nZ0, yes I am using .dae. .X was flipping my image, although, I believe I found a solution. Exporting with the x-axis up(with right-handed coords). So, I may go back to .x, because .dae is extremely finicky. One mistake, and I have to redo my entire animation sheet(dope sheet).
I've noticed using .dae I have to have the bone roll to 0 degrees on all bones, and scale has to be 1 on all objects and armatures. I didn't need to be so careful with .x. I've finally gotten a model I made myself to work properly in .dae. But, again, its so finicky and prone to error I may just give up on it and use .x.
I finally was able to get .fbx usable on a model. I have zero idea why, and why it doesn't work on others.
Mobiius, I will see if that works.. Although, I could have sworn I was not using that for any other combos. Just for some reason 32/33 was not working. That will be much better that my current solution. Thank you, sir.
I've attached a blender file that works if you export to .x. Its very low poly. Hell, the sword has more polys than the person, lol. Also, the animation is only a test. But, if it helps someone learn, great. This will not work in .dae due to scaling issues. I've abandoned this little guy.