Finally now that it has been added, developers can create more money from their games but allowing the player to watch a video in return for in game Items. Here is an example on how to make this within AGK
SetAdMobRewardAdDetails ( szID ) // here you insert your unique admob ID
SetAdMobTesting (1) //this will not load actual advertisements, only a test one to prevent from getting banned by admob if pressed. Change this value to 0 if you are publishing your game.
//showing ads
If GetRewardAdLoadedAdMob() = 1 //this checks if there is a loaded advertisement ready " If this command continues to return 0 then ad loading may have failed due to the provider running out of ads and AGK will stop trying to load them. In this case you should try your other ad providers instead."
ShowRewardAdAdMob() // shows the actual ad
//rewarding the player
if GetRewardAdRewardedAdMob() = 1 //this checks if a person finished watching an ad and makes sure they will be rewarded
coins = coins + 100 // here you give your player his/her reward. In this case, it is 100 coins
ResetRewardAdMob() //this resets the value to 0 so your player wont be rewarded multiple times
Hope this helped someone!