Hi guys, in the past I have written text adventures not the Ian Livingstone book types , but ones with noun and verb input, allowing moving around locations, getting things,using them, solving puzzles all through your use of verb and nouns. I did sell them back in the days of the Dragon 32 and the specey through magazines and the local Tandy Computer shop. I now have a bit of time on my hands now and am playing around with them, I`m doing a very small basic one, 25 objects,17 locations, 50+ verbs and nouns, i.e usual go north, get rusty key, unlock chest, talk to druid.I`ve done all the routines including the command input one, just letting you use letters, [back space],[space] and [enter] to a max length string.This little one is just to get to grips with AppGameKit and dark basic and show my kids what I use to do and how computer games have changed. I`m hoping over time to do another big game with lots to do. Is there still a following for them ? and is it possible to sell them and make a little beer money.
if there is still a market do you think it would be possible to port them over to android for use on tablets