Thanks Janbo !
I baked the texture (with light and shadows) with V-Ray for 3dsmax, there is only one texture there.
And yes, there is a bloomshader. For the normal map shader and spec, this will be awesome, but i'am not good in shades codding... ^^
But I use CSS on the <canvas> element to add and tweaks some color / brightness / and a little blur for "antialiasing"....
#canvas {
background: #000;
-webkit-filter:contrast(108%) brightness(110%) saturate(1.2) blur(0.8px) sepia(20%);
filter:contrast(108%) brightness(110%) saturate(1.2) blur(0.8px) sepia(20%);
object-fit: cover;
For the # link, it was a pain in the ass... I work with PHP session, and AppGameKit check every second if a Variable in the $_SESSION as changed.... not very efficient, I know...
Yep in the middle it gona be some 3D models... And yes, the animation is Tween chain. Very handy!
For the cylinder, great idea for the particles, i gona do this ! For the moment the texture is the UV of the map... I stretched it... so it load only one map, and I get a 14.8mo (6.1mo GZiped file).
And sorry for by poor English....