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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [Plugin] FileExplore (File, Folder and System-Drives Handling)

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2017 00:02 Edited at: 18th Jun 2023 06:52
Here is a new plugin for you. Lately, the insufficient support for desktop file browsing was a few times a topic here in the forum.
Now I offer you a plugin, that treats exactly this problem. I hope you can use it.

Here is the command list:

The commands starting with 'GetCurrentFile ...'. Refer to the file obtained with GetFirstFile and GetNextFile.

New Function ChooseFileDialog
New Function SaveAsDialog
New Function MessageBox

Function in detail:

New Function - String GetCL()

Added 64Bit DLL

Added New Function - Void SetDialogPosition(Integer PosX, Integer PosY) -> Set the Position for ChooseFileDialog and SaveAsDialog
Added New Function - Void SetInitialDir(String Directory) -> Set the Initial Directory for ChooseFileDialog and SaveAsDialog

Added New Function - Void SetWindowStyle(Integer Style) -> Set the Style of AppGameKit output window -> StyleFlags
Added New Function - Void SetWindowExStyle(Integer ExStyle) -> Set the ExStyle of AppGameKit output window -> ExStyleFlags

Added New Function - Void OpenDateTimePicker() -> Open a modal DateTimePicker dialog
Added New Function - Integer GetDateYear() -> returns the selected year.
Added New Function - Integer GetDateMonth() -> returns the selected month.
Added New Function - Integer GetDateDay() -> returns the selected day.
Added New Function - Integer GetDateDayOfWeek() -> returns the selected day of week. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday ...
Added New Function - Integer GetDateHour() -> returns the selected hour.
Added New Function - Integer GetDateMinute() -> returns the selected minute.
Added New Function - Integer GetDateSecond() -> returns the selected second.
Added New Function - String GetDateString(String format) -> returns the selected date as a formated string

Added New Function - String GetTimeString(String format) -> returns the selected time as a formated string

Change OpenDateTimePicker - returns now 0 - clicking on cancel, 1- clicking on ok.

Change GetCL - now returns a pipe ( | ) seperated string. Now you can access the arguments via the string functions. GetStringToken(comandline$, "|", token_number)

Added New Function - Void SetWindowPosition(Integer posX, Integer posY, Integer zOrder, Integer width, Integer height, Integer flags) ->
wraps SetWindowPos function to set the AGK-Window.
posX, posY -> set the position of the AGK-Window
width, height -> set the size of the AGK-Window. Please let it at 0 (zero). I dont know what happens if not. Use instead Agk-Commands.
zOrder, flags -> refer ms documentation of function SetWindowPos for more information. (Parameters hWndInsertAfter and uFlags)
Added New Function - String ChooseFolderDialog(String title, String initialDir) -> A Dialog to select a folder.
Fixed - The ChooseFileDialog filter sometimes has an unusual behavior.

SetDialogPosition now set the position relative to its main window.

ChooseFileDialog is now resizeable.

Functions GetCursorX(Mode) and GetCursorY(Mode) added
Mode = 0 -> Mouse coordinates absolut.
Mode = 1 -> Mouse coordinate relative to client area off the active window.
Functions GetWindowX() and GetWindowY() added to receive the Window Position (top/left corner of the window)
Added GetMouseButtons() function. This receives the state of the mouse buttons.
Bit 1 (1) = Left Button
Bit 2 (2) = Right Button
Bit 3 (4) = Middle Button
Bit 4 (8) = Extra Button 1
Bit 5 (16) = Extra Button 2
Includes a tag definition file.

Added OpenConsole() - Opens a console window.
Added ConsoleWrite(String Text) - Writes a message in the console window.

Added ConsoleCommand(String Cmd) - Executes a command and displays it in the open console.

Added OpenColorDialog(Integer Color) - Opens a colour dialogue and returns the defined colour as an integer.
Added GetCustomColor(Integer ColorNum) - Returns the custom colour specified in ColorNum. ColorNum must be between 0 and 15.
Added SetCustomColor(Integer ColorNum, Integer Color) - Sets a custom colour to the specified value. ColorNum must be between 0 and 15.

This returns the last window message.
You can find the messages here.
This is only an overview. For descriptions of the individual messages, simply search for the respective message on the MS page.

This returns the value after a WM_NCHITTEST.
The values and description can be found here.

Here you get the corresponding wParam and lParam values that are transferred together with the message.
Not all of them can be used.

Init() - returns 1 on successful initialisation otherwise 0.
Some functions do not work correctly under AgkStudio. For example, GetWindowX/Y. Now it is fixed.

RegExMatch(String str, String regex)
Compares the text (str) with the regular expression (regex). If it matches, 1 is returned, otherwise 0.
RegExSearch(String str, String regex)
Searches the text (str) for regex and returns all found words in a JSON string array.
RegExSearchPosition(String str, String regex)
The same as before, but in this case it returns the position and length of the strings found in a JSON array.
RegExReplace(String str, String regex, String replace)
All occurrences of the regex in the string str are replaced with replace.
RegExReplace(String str, String regex, String replace, Integer start, Integer end)
Like the previous function, but here you can specify a range within the text that will be searched and replaced.
If start < 0, the beginning of the text is automatically set.
If end < 0, the end of the text is automatically set.

BrowseFolderDialogCompletely rewritten. Now uses new Windows design. Position and size are automatically managed by Windows. Size and position can be changed after opening the dialogue Windows remembers this.
SaveAsDialogCompletely rewritten. Now uses new Windows design. Position and size are automatically managed by Windows. Size and position can be changed after opening the dialogue Windows remembers this.
ChooseFileDialogCompletely rewritten. Now uses new Windows design. Position and size are automatically managed by Windows. Size and position can be changed after opening the dialogue Windows remembers this. The return string is dynamically allocated. So it is now possible to get a longer return string than 780 characters.

Integer EnumSystemSounds() Enumerates all SystemSounds. Returns the number of sounds. Names and files can be read later using GetSystemSoundName and GetSystemSoundFile.
String GetSystemSoundName(Integer Index) Reads out the name of the system sound. Index is 0 based and must be between 0 and what EnumSystemSounds returns -1.
String GetSystemSoundFile(Integer Index) Reads out the file name of the system sound. Index is 0 based and must be between 0 and what EnumSystemSounds returns -1.
void PlaySystemSound(String Name, Integer Mode) Play the specified sound. It can be either a name from the system or a file name. Then the file name must also contain the drive and path. If no sound is found none will be played. Mode can be 1 for play async 2 for file name or 3 for combined.

- OpenColorDialog returns 0 or 1 (zero, one) selected color can be retrieved with GetChosenColor
- GetChosenColor() returns the selected color from OpenColorDialog.

- GetDriveSpace(Path as String, Type as Integer, Mode as Integer)

- GetDriveMetric(Path as String, Type as Integer)

- EnumDesktopModes()
Before the other DesktopModes commands can be executed,
EnumDesktopModes must be done at least once.
This lists all resolution modes internally.
However, this is limited to 32 bit colour depth.
These can be retrieved with the commands GetDesktopModeWidth,GetDesktopModeHeight,GetDesktopModeFrequency and GetDesktopModeJSON.
The return value is the number of modes that were found.

All following commands can only be called if EnumDesktopModes has been called at least once before.

- GetDesktopModeWidth(Integer mode)
Returns the width in pixels of the resolution from the specified mode.

- GetDesktopModeHeight(Integer mode)
Returns the height in pixels of the resolution of the specified mode.

- GetDesktopModeFrequency(Integer mode)
Returns the screen refresh rate of the resolution from the specified mode.

- GetDesktopModeJSON(Integer mode)
Returns the width, height, bits per pixel and screen refresh rate in the form of a JSON string.

- GetDesktopMode(Integer width, Integer height)
This command is used to find out which mode is best suited to the specified resolution.

- int GetDesktopMode()
Returns the mode that matches the current resolution set.

- void SetDesktopMode(Integer mode)
Sets the specified mode. The desktop resolution is set according to the mode.

- RestoreDesktopMode()
Restores the desktop resolution according to the registry.

- ChooseFileDialogEx(String Title, String Filter, Integer Flags)
Same as ChooseFileDialog only by the flags parameter the behavior of the dialog box can be set better.
Possible values are:
#Constant FOS_NOCHANGEDIR = 0x8
#Constant FOS_PICKFOLDERS = 0x20
#Constant FOS_NOVALIDATE = 0x100
#Constant FOS_PATHMUSTEXIST = 0x800
#Constant FOS_FILEMUSTEXIST = 0x1000
#Constant FOS_CREATEPROMPT = 0x2000
#Constant FOS_SHAREAWARE = 0x4000
#Constant FOS_NOTESTFILECREATE = 0x10000
#Constant FOS_HIDEMRUPLACES = 0x20000
#Constant FOS_HIDEPINNEDPLACES = 0x40000
#Constant FOS_DONTADDTORECENT = 0x2000000
#Constant FOS_FORCESHOWHIDDEN = 0x10000000
#Constant FOS_DEFAULTNOMINIMODE = 0x20000000
#Constant FOS_FORCEPREVIEWPANEON = 0x40000000

See description on MS page.

- SetInitialDir works again. To get the last selected directory again just pass an empty string to SetInitialDir.

And some code snippets.

Folder Enumeration:

File Enumeration:

Please tell me if you find bugs or have some suggestions.

And if you feel the urgent need to support this project then you are welcome to donate a few coins.
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Donations are always welcome.


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Posted: 23rd Apr 2017 00:55
Nice work. We should really have a sticky for plugins.

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2017 10:29
Good work, and thank you sir!
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Posted: 24th Apr 2017 01:25
Would it be possible to add the openfile dialog to this .dll?
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Posted: 24th Apr 2017 14:03 Edited at: 24th Apr 2017 14:03
Quote: "Would it be possible to add the openfile dialog to this .dll?"

AGK has a open file dialog. It needs a save file dialog.
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Posted: 24th Apr 2017 18:09
The AppGameKit OpenFile dialog doesn't return the full path of the file. It would be really good to add it, because it would save the effort of having to hand-craft a solution.
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Posted: 25th Apr 2017 15:44
So after some problems I have now managed to create a file dialog.
Any other suggestion?

To be added.

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Posted: 25th Apr 2017 22:28
Message dialog would be cool too
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Posted: 26th Apr 2017 08:34
Quote: "Message dialog would be cool too"

Message() already exists
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Posted: 26th Apr 2017 10:06
Damn. Forgot about that!
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Posted: 27th Apr 2017 21:19 Edited at: 27th Apr 2017 21:21
Good work!
+1 for good and easy mass selection

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Posted: 27th Apr 2017 22:21 Edited at: 27th Apr 2017 22:25
Thanks Jack and all others.

So, as far as no further requests are available. Here are 3 additional functions. ChooseFileDialog, SaveAsDialog and MessageBox. The MesaageBox offers more flexibility than that of AGK.

Here the NEW Functions in detail.

Download see the first post
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Posted: 2nd May 2017 23:41
Super duper want: Get command line arguments
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Posted: 6th May 2017 02:37
blink0k wrote: "Super duper want: Get command line arguments"


The strange thing about this is that Paul has already implemented this function but it does not work.
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Posted: 7th May 2017 00:16
Superb! Thanks!
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Posted: 7th May 2017 08:45 Edited at: 7th May 2017 08:46
One last request;
Functions to access the copy/paste buffer
Functions to allow access to the right-click menu for file explorer
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Posted: 7th May 2017 16:21
Mac version would be great to have......
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Posted: 16th Oct 2018 13:47

I've updated this plugin for support 64bit-Windows.
You find the download at the first post.

Thanks for your attention.
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Posted: 17th Oct 2018 17:14
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2019 19:55
The first post has a updates with a new version.
Contains two new Commands.

Added New Function - Void SetDialogPosition(Integer PosX, Integer PosY) -> Set the Position for ChooseFileDialog and SaveAsDialog
Added New Function - Void SetInitialDir(String Directory) -> Set the Initial Directory for ChooseFileDialog and SaveAsDialog
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2019 22:47
Thanks MadBit. My favorite plugin!
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2019 00:31
Nice work MadBit

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2019 06:34
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Posted: 1st Apr 2019 16:54
I'd really like to use this plugin but I can't get it working.
I haven't used any plugins before so maybe the problem is at my end but I'd appreciate any help.
Here's what I have done:

Downloaded the plugin and extracted it to e:\AGK\Plugins\
Set my preferences for plugins to point to that folder.
Added the line#import_plugin FileExplore to my code

When I compile I get the error:
Quote: "error: Failed to open file for reading /Plugins/FileExplore/Commands.txt"

I read somewhere that you need to add the plugin to your projects folder, so I did that next. I created a Plugins folder in my project folder and copied all of the FileExplore folder into it.
But when I compile now, I get the following error and the FileExplorer folder is deleted from {project}/Plugins/

What am I doing wrong?


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Posted: 1st Apr 2019 19:47 Edited at: 1st Apr 2019 19:49
Where you want to specify your plugin path. This is the plugin path of geany and has nothing to do with AGK.
If you want to use a plugin from AppGameKit, you have to copy the directory into the plugin folder of AppGameKit as shown in the picture.
Compiling your project will automatically copy all used plugins to your project directory.

And thank you for using this Plugin.
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Posted: 4th Apr 2019 07:35 Edited at: 4th Apr 2019 07:35
Hey Mr Bit!
Would it be possible to have a function that removes the windows border for the AppGameKit App that calls your DLL?
Thanks for your awesome .DLL!
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Posted: 7th Apr 2019 07:32 Edited at: 29th Nov 2020 05:57
Okay, new version in the first post.
Two new commands SetWindowStyle and SetWindowStyleEx. This allows you to define your own style for the AppGameKit window. Use the flags required by Microsoft you can find here.


You may have to link them with '||'. Make sure that you set the flags for visibility (WS_VISIBLE).

The following line is recommended for your borderless window.

Think about it, the resolution and aspect ratio change. Since the space needed for the frame is now available for drawing.

I hope it works without a problem.
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Posted: 7th Apr 2019 21:27
Superb! Thanks heaps!
Rich Dersheimer
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Posted: 14th Jun 2019 03:30
I would love to see a windows date/time picker added, if you are still working on this.

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Posted: 14th Jun 2019 06:26
I'll see what I can do for you.
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Posted: 3rd Jul 2019 07:17
Okay. Wasn't as easy as I thought. There is no standard dialog for selecting the date.
After all, I had to create my own. My knowledge with the windows controls and dialog boxes is a bit rusty.
Now I did it.

Void SetDialogPosition(Integer PosX, Integer PosY)
you define the position of the dialog box.

Void OpenDateTimePicker() opens a modal DateTimePicker dialog.

After selecting the date and time, you can use the commands

Integer GetDateYear()
Integer GetDateMonth()
Integer GetDateDay()
Integer GetDateDayOfWeek() <-- 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, ...
Integer GetDateHour()
Integer GetDateMinute()
Integer GetDateSecond()

query your input.

And with
String GetDateString(String format)
String FetTimeSTring(String format)

you will finally get your date or time back as a formatted string.

Download as usual in the first post.
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Posted: 5th Jul 2019 18:26

I'm glad you created this

but since I am a bit slow out of the gate
it would be nice to have a complete example to work from

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Posted: 6th Jul 2019 07:35
Thank you for your interest in this plugin.

A small change to the plugin. OpenDateTimePicker now returns 0 - when clicking cancel in dialog or 1 - when clicking ok.

Please download it again from the first post.

Here is a short example:

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Rich Dersheimer
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Posted: 8th Jul 2019 22:00 Edited at: 8th Jul 2019 22:10
Uh oh. When I try to use the plugin I get something unexpected. The message box function works, so I believe I have everything set up correctly.

That is what I see when I call the date/time picker function.


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Posted: 9th Jul 2019 06:09
Can you give me some code to show me the problem?
The previously shown code works fine for me. Here again the whole code.

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Posted: 9th Jul 2019 15:18
I'm using the exact code from your post right above this. Same problem, so perhaps I don't have my plugins set up correctly.

I have your FileExplore folder in my project Plugins folder.

I've also put it in my AGK2 compiler Plugins folder.

And I've also put it in the main project folder for my FileExplore test project. Still getting the small window with the FFF's.

I put this line in the code...

M = fe.MessageBox("FE Test","FE Test Title")

and it works fine.

I'm perplexed.
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Posted: 9th Jul 2019 21:46
Hmm, you just need to copy the plugin in the compiler path the compiler will automatically copy it into your project path.

When you create a new project and copy the above code into it. Do you get the same error then?

Which Windows version do you use?
32 or 64 bit?
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Posted: 10th Jul 2019 04:18
Yes, brand new project, named "FileExplore", the folder in the zip file in my compiler>plugins folder. Windows 7, 64 bit. Still getting the problem. I even just re-installed the latest version of AGK2, still no joy.

I am sad.
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Posted: 10th Jul 2019 06:08
I think the problem lies with it not being in the compiler path properly and should be deleted from everywhere else and try again

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Posted: 10th Jul 2019 07:21 Edited at: 10th Jul 2019 07:22
Yeah, you can try again, like Fubarpk said.

Nevertheless I find it very strange.
I test / program on almost the same platform (win7 64 bit) and have no problems.

I remembered that I ignored a compiler warning before (bad habit). I have now fixed it. When calling the OpenDateTimePicker function, you can now also specify a title for the dialog box.

So download it again and test it. Since it works with me, it is rather a shot in the dark.
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Posted: 11th Jul 2019 01:20
Could it be that it is being tested in AppGameKit Studio?
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Posted: 11th Jul 2019 06:58
Hmm, that could be, too. But I assume that classic and studio have the same code base and only differ in the IDE and the renderer.

I know you also use this plugin and have AGKS. Do you have similar problems with it?

I just tested it on my laptop with Win10 64bit - everything works.
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Posted: 11th Jul 2019 07:32
I haven't tried it but Studio has no install app yet. you just copy it to a directory
I'll have a look later and report back
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Posted: 11th Jul 2019 23:34 Edited at: 12th Jul 2019 03:12
EDIT EDIT EDIT: I created a Plugins folder in the AgkStudio folder and copied FileExplore there and it worked

This has been reported in the AGKS GitHub, maybe need to wait for official release, or bug fix

EDIT: Compiling with Studio i get other errors but re the plugin i get this compile error;

Error: Failed to open file for reading /Plugins/FileExplore/Commands.txt
main.agc:1:Error: Failed to load plugin command list from /Plugins/FileExplore/Commands.txt for plugin FileExplore

EDIT: My bad. When I copy it to C:\Program Files (x86)\The Game Creators\AGK2\Tier 1\Compiler\Plugins. It works fine.

I have tried this with AppGameKit Classic 2019-06-11 (Not AppGameKit Studio)
I can confirm that upon executing the app it deleted the contents of the Plugins folder
I have attached the project


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Posted: 12th Jul 2019 14:18
This is all sorted - I just had to check the "Windows 64-bit" checkbox in the build preferences.

Sorry about all the fuss, but thank you so much for adding the date/time picker!

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Posted: 12th Jul 2019 18:03
Awsome stuff MadBit!
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Posted: 13th Jul 2019 06:12
Thank you, guys.
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Posted: 19th Oct 2019 08:03
I've changed the GetCL() command. returns now a pipe seperated string. see first post
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Posted: 19th Oct 2019 09:17
Quote: "Change GetCL - now returns a pipe ( | ) seperated string."


Btw, the "Plugin: FileExplore" link in the first post is now dead.

Thanks again.

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