Run and Broadcast works but debug, on the local machine, doesn't work for me on Windows. If I set the IP address to that of my phone, then I can debug and that works fine.
The "player" (do I have the terminology right?) that's in "...\steamapps\common\App Game Kit 2\Players\Windows\Windows.exe", on my PC (the same PC I can run and broadcast from) doesn't run for me. When I start it, it quits after less than a second. No display or anything ever comes up. I suspect that's why the debugging doesn't work? I have tried this .exe on another windows machine (so I can broadcast to another PC in order to test networking) and it didn't run on that PC either.
My thinking is that this windows.exe is the equivalent of the AppGameKit Player I downloaded from the App Store, but just for Windows PC's? Am I missing something? My windows is Windows 10, Version 1703 Build 15063.138.