If I have a complex array of types and dynamically generated sub arrays, do I need to clean these up recursively if the master array item is removed?
Say I have a master array consisting of
Type tFamily
AnimationRootObj as Integer
ChildObjects as tChildObject[]
Bones as tBone[]
AnimationChildObjectCount as Integer
AnimationBonesCount as Integer
AnimationName$ as String
AnimationCount as Integer
MeshCount as Integer
xPos# as Float
zPos# as Float
WalkVector as tVectorXZ
TurningTweenID as Integer
NextTargetX# as Float
NextTargetZ# as Float
AnimFrameTime# as Float
ActiveAngleTimer as Integer
CentreSquare as tVectorXZHitBox
Occupied as tVectorXZHitBox[]
myShortList as tOccupation[]
CollisionBoxID as Integer
Would I need to go and clear out the Occupied[] array and the myShortlist[] arrays first or would they be deallocated?
I know I need to delete objects, images, tweens etc. which I've generated and yes, if they are generated in the sub-arrays I will need to go clean them up, but what about the array data itself?