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Work in Progress / Empire - strategy game (very early alpha)

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Posted: 21st May 2017 22:14
I am working since some time on a remake of a very popular strategy game from the 80's - Empire. It is still an early alpha, but it is already playable.
There can be up to 7 players. You can play against computer, other people (hot seat) or network.
The mechanics is pretty simple - You start with one city. You can decide what to build - army, plane or ships. You must conquer cities to produce further units. You can conquer a city only with an army. When choosing a production, You will see how many turns You need to produce that unit and how many units are already being produced.
To move an army simply use the numpad (7 is move up-left, 2 is move down, etc.) or click left mouse button next to Your unit on a filed where do You want to go. Space skips the move. You will see green field (movement allowed) or red (not allowed) - You can disable this by pressing "B" or unchecking "Show possible moves" from the settings. Armies can move on land, ships on sea, planes everywhere, but they have limited radius (max 20 fields). Transports can carry up to 6 armies, carriers up yo 8 planes.
There is no manual yet, but a lot of things should be self-explainig. If You press right mouse button on a unit or city, You will see a menu with commands. Some of them are not yet implemented (like escort or patrol). If You do not want to move Your unit, press "s" or choose "Sentry" from the menu. To activate it again, press click right on it and choose "Activate".
There will be still a lot of bugs, but I am constantly chasing them along with futher development.
The game has been written in C++ and AppGameKit tier 2. I use a monitor with 1920x1080 resolution, but game should work fine with any resolution.
A map editor is built in, so You can create Your own maps. You can also save local games, saving network games is to be implemented along with better network code.
A lot of work is still before me, but I decided to show the progress and hope for comments.

Technicals: Practically every computer able to run Windows XP or higher should be fine. At least 2GB ram are required, any graphics card will do.
Maximum map size is 4000x4000, up to 100000 units per player.
To start the game use "Empire" from the main directory.
Have fun!


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Posted: 21st May 2017 22:20
It seems the game is too big to be attached, so You can download it from here:

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Posted: 21st May 2017 22:33
Ahhh, I forgot: You can quit any time by pressing "F4"
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Location: Spain
Posted: 22nd May 2017 10:31
Hey, nice one, when I was young I spent many many hours with the original game
Glad to see it back
I'll give it a try and I'll let you know how it goes.
Good job!!
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Posted: 22nd May 2017 21:55

V0.45 with corrected possible moves
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Joined: 1st Dec 2002
Location: Spain
Posted: 23rd May 2017 15:01
Looking fine

Very nice presentation overall

I've noticed that debug outputs are shown after you save a game, are you aware of that?

Other than that I just produced a few army units and one jet to explore faster

Also, the game is configured to load a map by default, but I had to get this changed to generate a random map, since I found no maps for loading.

I recall printing the current map at the 80's, I guess there is no need for that nowadays

I've never been an android fan, but it is the sign of the times. I do not remember the last time I had the chance to power on my desktop pc and play with it, so perhaps I would have this one installed on my smart phone, any chances? Why does the game need 2Gb to run?

Nevertheless, good job, keep on like that!
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Posted: 23rd May 2017 15:30
Thanks for comments. What debug outputs do you mean?
If You had no maps that's strange, there should be few test maps. If You choose "New game" and then leave "Load map", after pressing START is there nothing in the left panel?
Android: sure, but first I want to release the Windows version. After that I have to figure out the best interface for Android and of course different graphics, otherwise You would not see anything on the screen.
2GB - If You play with a 4000x4000 map and 7 players, the memory consumption reaches 1GB. I assumed 2GB should be the minimum. The game would probably work with less, but I have no such computer to test.

Most current version:
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Posted: 29th May 2017 17:18
Most recent version - got rid of few bugs.
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Location: Spain
Posted: 5th Jun 2017 09:43
Looking good, found no bugs, although I only tried the single player mode
And yet, I find that the initial map loading is not very intuitive to the user, but oh well
Keep it on

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