So I started off as how can I do this. Which evolved into 'ok I figured that out, now how do i do this.'
I worked on my basic concept for the game, and got that complete. I started to code my level and realized this was going to be a big undertaking, having to code each block by hand.
So I decided to create an editor so that I could create my level and save the level to a file and be able to reload it. I have attached a picture of my editor. (Which was fun figuring out how to actually do this. )
Well today I completed my level editor and it works great. This then led to the realization that it doesn't really work as my game was programmed.
See my game was programmed as an example player is sprite 1, the ground block is sprite 2-4, the ladder is sprite 5. I could always program the game to just look for those object, but that would be a waste.
So I have started to better organize my sprites and objects to be able to use my editor for more than just this game.
So what started as a complete mess is now getting some better organization. Which hopefully will lead to a better game with more levels.