Cleaned it up a little so it got consistent formatting. nothing really stood out except the mod command which was not implemented correctly, and the random commands which would be out of bounds.
Same as a division - but rather than return the fraction, it returns the remainder. so x = 3 / 2 would return (assuming x is float) 1.5, x = mod(3, 2) would return 5.
Will return a value between 0 and 65k - where one can clamp it to a given range. If one need negative numbers in the range, subtract from the result *not* in the parameter. So for instance if wanting a result from -5 to +5 the correct procedure is x = random(0, 10) - 5
anyhow, the cleaned up code - with no compilation errors:
function generateterrain(map ref as integer [][], width, height, smoothness, plower, maxheight)
strep = plower / 2
h = maxheight / 2
for i = 0 to width - 1 step 2 * strep
for j = 0 to height - 1 step 2 * strep
map[i, j] = random(0, maxheight)
next j
next i
while strep > 0
for x = strep to width - 1 step 2 * strep
for y = strep to height - 1 step 2 * strep
slum = map[x - strep, y - strep] + map[x - strep, y + strep] + map[x + strep, y - strep] + map[x + strep, y + strep]
map[x, y] = slum / 4 + (random(0, h) - h)
next y
next x
for x = 0 to width - 1 step strep
for y = strep * mod(1 - (x / strep), 2) to height - 1 step 2 * strep
slum = 0
crount = 0
if x - strep >= 0
slum = slum + map[x - strep, y]
crount = crount + 1
if x + strep < width
slum = slum + map[x + strep, y]
crount = crount + 1
if y - strep >= 0
slum = slum + map[x, y - strep]
crount = crount + 1
if y + strep < height
slum = slum + map[x, y + strep]
crount = crount + 1
if crount > 0
map[x, y] = slum / crount + (random(0, h) - h)
map[x, y] = 0
next y
next x
h = h / smoothness
strep = strep / 2