Well, it's not a lot and it's scattered all over the place, but here's what I mean...
Dim sDat() As Byte
Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
The code:
nSize = Ubound(bDat) * 4 + 4
CopyMemory bDat(0) , ByVal varptr( userDat(0) ), nSize
'Then it's just cycling through the area from varptr(userdat(0))
'either writing or reading, or just copying the whole thing into
'an empty array...
' Dirty, but effective.
Microsoft has removed the varptr function. With varptr you could get at the address of the variable. How do you do that now?
Appreciate an answer.
They SAID that given enough time a million monkeys with typewriters could recreate the collected works of William Shakespeare... Internet sure proved them wrong.