Now TGC have released their Visual Editor I feel it's a good time to give a sneak peek of a little (well, not so little) project I have been working on to aid me in 3D world building in AppGameKit, it is written in Tier1 and tightly integrated with PureBasic via the plugin system and with PB taking a load off AppGameKit its also pretty fast
I have based the system off a FPSC/GG type setup, when you import an object and predefine its settings its added to the global cache and you can then add entity's to your scene via the object browser or import objects directly from disk on a as needed basis (still wip), all object settings have been exposed, all world settings have been exposed, the editor currently saves the project file as xml so a user can simply write a wrapper or (still wip) use import scripts generated by the editor.
object meshes are currently not supported so no animations yet, I will get to it in future.
Comments, suggestions and feature requests are more than welcome, what would YOU like to see in a 3D editor?
an early alpha should be ready in a couple of weeks.
Edit: added video, its a little jumpy but thats my low grade laptop running screen cap software!
- Hide/unhide selected entities
Done - freeze/unfreeze selected entities, Locking an entity prevents its movement, it can still be selected
- entity : group. So if we select the group, it select all entities in that groups.
Done - snap to grid / not snap, grid snap on or off and grid force align, with force align off it will snap to grid by its current grid offset, with on it will force the object to realign with the grid.
- multi selection (to move several entities together)
- physic for collision ?
- CtrlC + Ctrl V to copy/paste the selected entities
- export in : agk code full / level editor code (with a simple function to load the level in our game)
- add some pre-made entity : start, end, waypoint for ia ?, water (with shader), action-entity (treasure, teleporter...)....
Some ideas : Keep the ideas coming, I will pick out what I can do right now and add them to my TODO list and tick them off as done.
- add the 3D shaders (from a "shaders" folder ?), set shader on the entity, remove shader from entity
- add "script" system like in game guru /GGloader (perhap's you could tell with preben if you could export in the ggloader format ). or some behavior (entity is player, 3Rd person camera / FPS)
- add a lightmapping/shadow mapping system (for not dynamic light)
- add a terrain builder (not only with heightmap) : draw on a mesh and create the terrain by hand (like in gameguru)
- entity : some shaders like water, envmap, normalmap (terrain or other things) ...
- Camera : perspective mode/ orthogonal mode, view front/top/right/left
- rotation/scale : for the selected entities, with 2 mode : at origin (normal scale) / by bouding box (the group of entities is caled/rotated as it was ONE entity (I guess it's not easy to do that ^^).