I feel bad for blowing up the forum.. but I just can't find this answer.
I have two sprites set at the same position. One is hidden, and should be "deactivated" until its visible. I have tried to set the depth lower than the other sprite. But it still interferes with the spritehit command.
The sprite is a backpack. Once hit, it triggers opening the inventory. The exit button then appears. The problem is I moved them both to occupy the same location. Now, I am unable to hit the backpack icon if its on the same location, even though, I set the exit button depth below the backpack icon depth.
I have lots of sprites on top of each other, but I have them set to groups and I use the gethitspritegroup command... this is the only one giving me fits(and coincidentally I do not have them set as groups).
Surely, there is some way to deactivate a sprite? I looked at setspriteactive but that seems to only affect physics and animation. Is my only option to load the exit button and then delete the sprite every time I open and close? My inventory "script" already seems to be pretty intensive. I fear doing this will cause lag (granted that may be baseless I have no idea).
Hoping to hear your experiences or any tricky solutions.