I think I'm right in thinking(!) that deleting an image automatically deletes (and therefore frees up the memory) of the subimages loaded from the parent image but... having made assumptions that have bitten me(!) I'd like to know for sure...
My pseudo code looks like this...
For Cycle = 1 To NumberOfImagesInAtlasImage // I work out the number of tiles elsewhere
SubImageIDs[Cycle] = LoadSubImage(MainAtlasImageID, "image" + Str(Cycle)) // subimage text file images are called image1, image2, image3 etc
Next Cycle
I then reference the subimages to create sprites(tiles in my game) or to add animation frames to sprites (again tiles)
Later when I am unloading the graphics (cleanup) I delete the MainAtlasImageID image.
My query is... does erasing this image also erase (and free up the memory) from the SubImageIDs images or do I need to explicitly erase (delete) the subimages too?
Using Tier 1 AppGameKit V2
Started coding with AMOS (Thanks Francois Lionet)