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3 Dimensional Chat / 3D: Possible to "share" animations between objects using the same skeleton?

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Posted: 28th Sep 2017 10:03

is there a way to use the same animation (= the bone-transformations of every keyframe) between different objects with the same skeleton? The same means: Same number of joints, same naming of joints and same transforms and hierarchy.

The reason is the following: If I use lots of different models (e.g. civilians in a city) but the are all sharing the same skeletons (all are human) and the same animations (walking, running, waiting), I have to edit every single model if there is a problem with one single keyframe. Would be a nice feature if i could load civilian #1 and just copy the keyframes to civilian #2 and so on...

Thanks in advance,
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Posted: 1st Oct 2017 00:00
This is called "animation retargeting" and is a common technique in games. I have no idea if DBP (or whatever you're using) supports this.

Typically the animation data and the model are saved to separate files, then you can load and apply the animation to any object that shares the same bone names.
"Jeb Bush is a big fat mistake" -- Donald Trump
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2017 11:23
Jep, this is exactly my current solution: Use a "master" object with bones and animation and use its bone-transformations for other models with the same skeleton.
Ron Erickson
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Posted: 4th Oct 2017 15:24 Edited at: 4th Oct 2017 15:26
I have something in the works that does this plus much more. I am in the process of re-creating my DBpro addon, "Enhanced Animations" for AGK. Not only does it allow animation retargeting as mentioned above, it also allows you to apply different animations to different bones. So, you can have a "run" animation playing on a character's legs and a "shoot" animation playing on a character's upper body. Plus, you can do transitions between different animations for smooth blending over a period of time. More info will be coming soon, but if you are at all familiar with the old DBpro addon, it does basically the same things.
a.k.a WOLF!
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Posted: 4th Oct 2017 18:36 Edited at: 4th Oct 2017 18:37
Sounds pretty cool!

Year I know the "Enhanced Animation"-Package: A few years ago (I think it's already 7 years ago) I was working with VC++, the Dark GDK and the "enhanced Animation"-Pack...

Would be cool to see it again in AppGameKit!

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