I am not looking to use it for security, but rather another way to easily identify the platform running my app when it checks in to my servers or any other server it visits, while also lowering the heart rate a notch of server admins.
"InternetConnection" is not very useful, plus every website my app hits during the course of operation gets that in their logs, which means "Hello Alert!!! what the hell is this????" to any Server admin.
I see ads showing up in my server logs in the form of the user_agent these days, so there are many possibilities for this request.
I want to use it to tell the server something about the platform using my app and which app and version as well as my site url for questions, that can quickly be parsed in the server logs, instead of having to track it else where with cgi varaibles passed in the call.
I would like to do something similar to what google does with their spider.
Google Bot 2.0 / www.google.com/bots.htm - (simplified Example)
The user_agent appears to be hard coded into the compiler.
At any rate, thanks for the reply.
I am a little surprised others haven't asked about this.
Professor Pops