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Posted: 4th Apr 2019 07:27
Awesome, as usual.
Thank you very much!

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Posted: 4th Apr 2019 20:59
Thanks. The release adds more than 100 methods, most of which have limited usage for most users, but I wanted to finish everything for the Steam interfaces that I had started already.

The wiki also changed. Trying to organize things in a way other than how the Steamworks SDK docs do became time consuming. The new layout is closer and has more reference points to the SDK docs. I'm trying to keep the wrapper as thin as possible so one could look at other Steamworks code and get a good idea of how to implement in AGK. The biggest differences are callback and call result handling. The examples show how to do some of the different aspects of the SDK.

Side note: I don't think the achievement and stats methods changed at all, but if that's all one intends to use from it, there's no real need to update.

Like I said, this is leading up to adding more functionality in the future.
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Posted: 5th Apr 2019 15:34 Edited at: 5th Apr 2019 15:37
Hi adambiser.
I get the error "Error loading user stats." when I use my application ID in the file "steam_appid.txt", but I do not get any errors if I set the application ID = 480.

All I would like to use is Leaderboard. (For now)

My application is already in STEAM but it is still at the testing stage. I did the build, I got the application ID - 1060770

I created a Leaderboard with the name "bestplayers" through the interface of the site ""
I understand that I did not make some statistics settings in the site interface.
I'm right ?
If so, could you tell me what I should do?
I am not using a new version of steam_api.dll, I am using the previous one.

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Posted: 5th Apr 2019 15:56 Edited at: 5th Apr 2019 16:21
I can't test against your app id because it's not public. Are you trying one of the examples from the project?

If you want to use v1.8, I think you need to use the steam_api.dll that's in the examples' folders since it was built on SDK 1.43. Newer version should work, but older ones won't because of missing interfaces in them, etc. Any particular reason you are using an older steam_api.dll?

Have you tried an older version of the plugin? 1.7 was built against SDK 1.42.

EDIT: Be sure that you're logged into Steam with an account that has access to the game in development.

EDIT 2: I'm pretty sure you're using the leaderboard example.

Open it up and change this line:
AddStatus("Error loading user stats.")
AddStatus("Error loading user stats. Result: " + str(Steam.GetUserStatsReceivedResult()))
What is the result code it gives? 2?
From what I read here, iRequestUserStats will report failure if there are no user stats. I'm not sure why this would happen, but then your user probably don't have any stats, achievements, or leaderboard entry for the game yet. Are you about to FindLeaderboard() your leaderboard name?
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Posted: 5th Apr 2019 16:51
It seems that I am using the version of the plugin 1.6 and there is no command in it - Steam.GetUserStatsReceivedResult () - this IDE says - "main.agc: 204: error:" getuserstatsreceivedresult "is not recognized by the command for that plugin"
In my STEAM account, I created a leaderboard, look at the image in the attachment.
And on the statistics page I don’t understand what needs to be done, so I did something I can’t understand, see the second image in the attachment.

I honestly can not understand how to create statistics in the interface on the site - ""
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Posted: 5th Apr 2019 16:56
It sounds like you're using the 1.8 example with the 1.6 plugin. Try the example for that version.
Be sure the plugin in you AppGameKit plugin folder matches.

1.8 had some major changes in the command names from previous version.
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Posted: 5th Apr 2019 17:07
Adam, I can not use version 1.8, I have not downloaded it from GitHub , I just saw her today.
My latest version was uploaded to my HD - 09/17/2018
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Posted: 5th Apr 2019 17:10
How are you getting an error about GetUserStatsReceivedResult? That method was added in 1.8.
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Posted: 5th Apr 2019 17:20 Edited at: 5th Apr 2019 17:22
I get an error "Error loading user stats."

in this part of the code

not in " GetUserStatsReceivedResult "
Steam.GetUserStatsReceivedResult () - IDE says - "main.agc: 204: error:" getuserstatsreceivedresult "is not recognized by the command for that plugin"
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Posted: 5th Apr 2019 17:37
OK, I just don't understand how you even have GetUserStatsReceivedResult in your code since it is in 1.8.

I'm going to assume that the error is error code 2 because you have no user stats for your game.

Are you able to find your leaderboard despite this error message?
ie: In steam.agc of the example, change:
Steam.FindLeaderboard("Feet Traveled")
Steam.FindLeaderboard("bestplayers") says that leaderboards changes commit immediately, but check to make sure you've published your changes just in case. I've never tried to work with the plugin on a game that was not public, so I'm not sure what problems may occur.
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Posted: 5th Apr 2019 17:56 Edited at: 5th Apr 2019 18:18
It seems there was a slight delay after the last publication. Now I get a leaderboard.
I beg you to excuse me for confusing you.

Thank you so much for your help, your plugin will help me a lot. You did a great job. Thank you.
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Posted: 5th Apr 2019 18:23
Sorry, I forgot that I had sent code with GetUserStatsReceivedResult. Too many things going on here!

Your leaderboard looks right on the partner site to me. User stats include achievements, stats, and leaderboards. Having any one of those *should* be enough for it to succeed. I think...

Let's try something because the docs seem to indicate that a failure code means there's a problem with user stats, but I wonder if that's not true.

Make these changes:

A variable called GotUserStats was added in three locations. I want to see if FindLeaderboard works no matter what the RequestStats callback response is.
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Posted: 5th Apr 2019 18:48
Looks like you managed to read my message before I edited it. Yes, and here a lot of things really happen. Now everything is working fine. Now I get a leaderboard.
Once again, thank you very much for your work and help.
You are a great man , if it were not for your plugin, I would have refused to support the leaderboard in my game.
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Posted: 5th Apr 2019 19:03 Edited at: 5th Apr 2019 19:06
You get a leaderboard result now? Great!
Is that with or without trying my GotUserStats code suggestion?

EDIT: And thanks! I'm glad you find the plugin useful!
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Posted: 5th Apr 2019 19:07
It was without trying GotUserStats code suggestion, it just worked on another check, it seemed there was some delay after publication. I was surprised when I suddenly saw the leaderboard
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Posted: 5th Apr 2019 19:09
Thanks for clarifying. I wanted to make sure I didn't need to change that part of the plugin code. Glad it's all working now! Enjoy!
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Posted: 5th Apr 2019 22:07
Keep up the good work! I’m so glad you’re working on this. I’ll definitely need it when my game is finished!!!!
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Posted: 12th Apr 2019 18:03
That all sounds excellent, looking forward to the workshop support.

Great work,

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Posted: 7th Jul 2019 22:30
Do the achievements work on Linux or Mac?
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Posted: 8th Jul 2019 15:29
Are there any plans to run it in linux?
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Posted: 18th Sep 2019 23:44
Version 1.9 is up.

This is basically to update the code to use Steamworks SDK 1.46. I've also added the methods for the converted interfaces that were added to the SDK since 1.43.
* GetDeviceBindingRevisionMajor, GetDeviceBindingRevisionMinor
* GetRemotePlaySessionID
* GetDurationControl, HasDurationControlResponse, GetDurationControlResult, GetDurationControlAppID, GetDurationControlApplicable, GetDurationControlSecondsInLastFiveHours, GetDurationControlProgress, GetDurationControlNotification
* GetMarketEligibility, GetMarketEligibilityIsAllowed, GetMarketEligibilityNotAllowedReason, GetMarketEligibilityAllowedAtTime, GetMarketEligibilitySteamGuardRequiredDays, GetMarketEligibilityNewDeviceCooldown
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Posted: 19th Sep 2019 14:25
Greatly appreciated. Thanks alot!

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Posted: 19th Sep 2019 18:44
Awesome! So pleased you’re actively updating and maintaining this essential plugin.
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Posted: 19th Sep 2019 18:46 Edited at: 19th Sep 2019 18:47
Deleted duplicate.
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Posted: 25th Sep 2019 03:00
Version 1.10 is up!
Adds support for 64-bit Linux!

Added ISteamScreenshots commands (with example):
* AddScreenshotToLibrary
* AddVRScreenshotToLibrary
* HookScreenshots
* IsScreenshotsHooked
* SetScreenshotLocation
* TagScreenshotPublishedFile
* TagScreenshotUser
* TriggerScreenshot
* WriteScreenshot
* HasScreenshotReadyResponse
* GetScreenshotReadyScreenshotHandle
* GetScreenshotReadyResult
* HasScreenshotRequestedResponse

This will be my last update for awhile. I've tested on Ubuntu 18.04 x64 and things seem to work on, but if you have problems, let me know. Please note the Linux info on the wiki page.
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Posted: 30th Sep 2019 19:36
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

thank you so much!
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Posted: 30th Sep 2019 20:09
Very nice, thank you!!

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