Unless sorting a one-dimensional array of strings, integers or floats, you're going to have to roll your own.
The good news is that simple compare of strings to find if one is alphabetically before (or after) the other will work. Which makes it a bit easier.
Here's a selection-sort routine I made for an earlier project to sort a list of users. This one got two modes though, sort on user name and sort on user ID.
function sortUsers(mode as integer, user ref as user_t[])
temp as user_t
best as integer
for i = 0 to user.length
temp = user[i]
best = i
// sort on name
if mode = 0
for j = i + 1 to user.length
if user[j].name < temp.name
temp = user[j]
best = j
next j
// sort on userID
if mode = 1
for j = i + 1 to user.length
if user[j].uID < temp.uID
temp = user[j]
best = j
next j
user[best] = user[i]
user[i] = temp
next i
For larger lists, you should use a more efficient sort-algorithm, like quick-sort. But for a list of up to maybe a thousand, this selection-sort method will do just fine.
edit: As PSY have teached me something new today, you can also sort one-dimensional arrays of strings - so added edited that in.