Hello All,
I thought it would be helpful to create centralized place for discussion about the AppGameKit VR DLC. I try my best to check the forums regularly, but it is very possible for me to miss things that are posted. It is also a little more difficult to go back through a bunch of various messages when working on updates. So, if you find any bugs, have feature requests, or want to make sure that I see something pertaining to the AppGameKit VR DLC, please post it here! This includes anything with the LeapMotion plugin that was recently added to the DLC.
I am currently working on an update to AGKVR. Here is a list of things that I'm planning to include based on feedback that I've received from different users:
- Commands to set the global position and rotation of the HMD in the 3D world
- Add command to cleanly shut-down AGKVR
- Add the ability to return a float value from Oculus Touch grip triggers
- Add the ability to get lower level controller button feedbacks to better support Oculus controllers
- Ability to render to each eye individually
- Feedback and control of Steam's chaperone (boundary grid)
- Add hardware information feedbacks
- Fix problem with the SetPlayerRotation command
- Add ability to render depth textures
- Allow the use of a custom skybox instead of the SteamVR room when application is too busy to render new images
Right now, I am still in the process of testing these new features, but the code is done pending any issues found while testing. I am away next week, so I'm guessing that a new version will be available later in November.
a.k.a WOLF!