The original and the clones should have unique IDs, so you can set the visibility of any of them individually or in a batch using a for loop.
// create the original with an id of 2 and make it invisible to start with
CreateObjectBox( 2, 5,5,5 )
SetObjectPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
// create the clones and make them invisible to start with
for c = 202 to 249
CloneObject(c, 2)
next c
// set any of the clones you want to visible
//or in a batch like this for numbers 230 to 240
for v = 230 to 240
next v
That snippet shows it being done with objects, but doing the sprites is basically the same thing.
Coding things my way since 1981 -- Currently using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1