I'm trying to create a hinge joint for a spinner in my pinball app. I'm setting it up with this code
RotateObjectLocalY(spinner.o, 45)
RotateObjectLocalY(hinge.o, 45)
rv as integer
pv as integer
r as integer
r=GetObjects3DPhysicsContactPositionVector(spinner.o, hinge.o, pv)
Create3DPhysicsHingeJoint(spinner.o, hinge.o, pv, rv,1)
The hinge is the bar at the center and the spinner is the large square area.
UPDATE : It was jittering because i had an invisible plane on top (glass cover) to stop the ball from bouncing out of the game. Now it looks like it is hinged at the center of the object but i need it to be hinged along the bar.
What am i doing wrong here?