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FPSC Classic Product Chat / New horror game project idea, and need some people if intrested

Stealth Sin
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Posted: 1st Jan 2018 00:36
Hello! Happy New Years! This morning I was lying down think about a new game idea, and wanted to know if anybody would like to help if interested. Here is what I'm thinking


So I was thinking about doing a "Fan" made game of saw, built here on the TGC fourm. Now before jumping to conclusions about this not working, please take time to read some of this, because from what I know with FPI scripting and the interface, it can be possible if we work hard on this!


I was mostly thinking about using vairables, huds, and so on for the basic mechanics.


I don't think we will need any meterial from the actual saw movies, or actual games, developed by the makers of saw, because it is of course a "Fan" made game. I do know that I think rolfy has a package containing segments and entities containing traps, and so on, so I will hope you so this thread rolfy and approve that we may use your pack. and hopfully you'd like to join this project if it can stay alive enough for people to work on it.


I got that covered, recently with my slenderman's past maps, I've been using either the promission from marc steene to use his original Slendermans Shadows audio files, or using FL Studio 12 Pruducer edition to create my own audio tracks, so I think I can get that covered, if we have other audio developers we happy to have you, please don't worry to join our team!


I hope that we can pull together a good group to make this project happen! please either PM me, email me, or just repost to this thread if your interested! Thanks -- StealthSin

Anthony Gonzales
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Posted: 1st Jan 2018 14:19
Madcow was once proposing a game like this. The thing is, the environmental puzzles will be easy to do, but they need to be creative. As for the other stuff, they may actually require a decent amount of scripting. Better to introduce stuff such as radiation and mutants to fill in the voids.
Stealth Sin
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Posted: 1st Jan 2018 20:46
yes it will need scripting, but also when it comes to my attention, we really don't need models for the game, since it is "First Person Shooter Creater" we can make a hud, I've already started working on some mechanics such as the classic bare trap. I just need to make a hug, but as you look around the room I created, there are "Keyboard Keys" located around the room, as you then pick up a note to press the cretin keys in order with scankeycodepressed=x, I add a vairable to confirm the key was pressed and to move onto the next phase, along with an etimer, if all keys are pressed correctly when one vairable returns true, meaning the player has succesfully completed the puzzle, the hud will go away, the ticking timer sound will stop, and the player will have no harm done to him. Yes it will take time. Mriganka, would you like to join our team LCGS and help make this become from idea to finished project?
Anthony Gonzales
Stealth Sin
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Posted: 1st Jan 2018 21:27
okay, so right now im using two softwares, FL Studio 12, and Adacity, which is what im using for the famous jigsaw style voice. Im getting ready to make the saw theme on FL, whish me luck, I'll post a video when its done!
Anthony Gonzales
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2018 08:44
All the best man. And you can use the traps from late Heltor. He has made some pretty good stuff in the past.
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2018 09:34
Sounds like an awesome idea. Just a heads up, though, several Indie Dev groups I am part of have reported that companies are going copyright crazy recently with cracking down on fan games, several free games based on other games, movies and even books getting C&D orders.
Just watch out for that, and best of luck with your project!
Stealth Sin
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2018 04:05
Will Do, although if this becomes successful, Kafoolwho, would you like to help us? I was originally going to do the jigsaw voice but my studio mic broke today.. so I'll need someone to do the voice acting. if you're intrested, I used a free software called audacity, if is very easy to use, and amazing.

::if you want to know how to do the voice in audacity::

Okay so heres what I expiremented with! First I recorded my voice, making it deep and sad/dark to try and almost replicate his voice, then I duplicated the left and right audio channels. next you'll need to select the top left and right audio, and normalize your audio, but make sure to do the process of noise deduction,. this part is easy, just hit control+A keys, and select Noise Deduction, get profile, then back to Noise Deduction, and click okay, or apply. next change the top channel's pitch, you'll have to play around, if you have a deep voice, I'd recommend -14, if you have a mid voice, -20, and high pitch voice, -27. now do the same for the bottom, but for what you had applied for the top, make sure to keep it a power of 6 above your top channel. EXAMPLE. top--> -21

:: bottom :: -27::

Now once this is done, goto the top channel, and apply a phaser, just keep all the settings the same, hit apply and close.

Next for the bottom, you'll need to reverse this track. This might not make sense, but read on and it will make sense. Once you reversed the bottom track, apply the phaser, keep the same defaults, apply and close.

Now go ahead and reverse it again. you'll notice that each channel for left and right, one will be slightly higher than the other channel. Preview your track and you're done! I hope this helps, we need a voice actor..
Anthony Gonzales
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2018 14:07
I would love to help, but just don't have the means currently. To be honest, the festive season wiped me out a bit financially, and I am on limited data until my next paycheck lol.
I use Audacity a heck of a lot. I actually have a physical mixer and mic setup here for audio recording, but left some cables at our last gig and have been unsuccessful in getting them back
If, at a later stage, I have things sorted on my end, I'll be happy to help out.
Stealth Sin
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Posted: 4th Jan 2018 01:24
Okay cool, we'll keep your name on the list!
Anthony Gonzales
Stealth Sin
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Posted: 12th Jan 2018 05:48
okay so Im just now working on the scripts and huds for the game. anybody have any expirence scripting huds because thats my weak point.. :/ i'm thinking of a rusty metal contraption like the reverse bear trap but not similar, i'll have holes all around the screen so the player can barely see. if anybody could do this their name will be top of the list for opening credits and so on
Anthony Gonzales
Stealth Sin
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Posted: 12th Jan 2018 05:49
btw Ncmako, if you read this would you like to help model some small things for this game?
Anthony Gonzales
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Posted: 12th Jan 2018 23:37
@ Stealth Sin
Quote: "would you like to help model some small things for this game"

Sure thing, would like to help out
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
Stealth Sin
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Posted: 14th Jan 2018 00:16
Quote: "Sure thing, would like to help out"

Cool thanks man, so do you think you could model a morphine syringe and a melee pipe? so far these are two key models that will be needed for the game, the morphine is to let the player know when he/she collects these around the game they can use this to heal them. also with the morphine, can you model some hands to go with them. For this, I'm using black ice mods, Body2.fpi script to use an entity as the camera, and a doll like camera like any COD game, so with body2 any entity the player picks up that has arms, it will disable the entities arm limbs. Thanks for considering this Ncmako! you be a good man!
Anthony Gonzales
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Posted: 17th Jan 2018 23:28
Stealth Sin I can make some static entities real quick, but this would require a lot of time
and investment to testing. I have used the "body2.fpi" scripts, and they work really well.
But to model these and get the arm & scripts right will take some time I don't have right now...I'm sorry.
I can work on this when I'm done with my other project.
Quote: " any entity the player picks up that has arms, it will disable the entities arm limbs"

Not sure what you mean by this ? Because of the "body2" script you need the "arms" hidden"
when player picksup these items
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
Stealth Sin
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Posted: 26th Jan 2018 03:54
yes that is what I was refeering to, and don't worry, I've been putting off the game because I've been working at things here as well!
Anthony Gonzales

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