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Newcomers AppGameKit Corner / Exit and or End

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Location: Third planet from Sun
Posted: 14th Jan 2018 11:57
Does anyone know the difference between using End or Exit to shutdown a program (in Windows) or are they the same ?

User Banned
Posted: 14th Jan 2018 12:03 Edited at: 14th Jan 2018 12:04
End - terminates app

Exit is used to come out of loops - like For loops upon a condition (if statement)

Hope this helps
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Posted: 14th Jan 2018 12:04
EXIT will exit from current loop (DO/LOOP, WHILE/ENDWHILE, REPEAT/UNTIL, FOR), END will terminate the app altogether.
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Posted: 14th Jan 2018 12:34
Thanks for the reply . The Do - Loop is considered a running Loop then ? When making a program running on Windows is it better to have an 'End' button or just use the ' X ' on the windows title bar ? I Have had AppGameKit for a couple of months now and for the most part it's pretty easy to use . Wish there were actual examples on all the commands .

User Banned
Posted: 14th Jan 2018 13:32
We all have to start from somewhere

Maybe perhaps follow your nose through some tutorials

Hope this will get you started well - i always refer to some on my developments

Rick Nasher
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Posted: 14th Jan 2018 16:47 Edited at: 14th Jan 2018 17:10
You can use something like this:

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Posted: 14th Jan 2018 20:41
Thanks for all the help . I already have a working map editor with save and load . I just wanted to make sure that I exit the program the best way . I v'e spent around 6-8 hrs. so far on it . Nothing special , just your basic dungeon crawler like Wolfenstien and Doom . It's been a good way to spend the winter months .

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Posted: 15th Jan 2018 08:45
AGK doesn't care if you use END or not, it will simply drop out of the end of the program. But for clarity in your program, it is good practice to use it.
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