It's been a very long time since I last posted, and that's mainly due to dealing with my late wife's cancer and everything that comes with it
. I'm trying to get my head back into the coding game once again, and AppGameKit lets me dispense with much of the overhead required in Xcode...
The good news! I have updated my Manic Miner Game engine using the latest AGK2 release (December 2017), I've fixed a few bugs and added more configurable parameters to enable you to do more with your creations, like the spectacular BobsNet version that has been absolutely amazing!
The link to the game for Windows and macOS can be found here :-
The game is freeware, however if you have a few sheckles going spare, I know the hospice that provided care and support would be grateful of any donation
https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/janicebrooks there's no obligation of course to do so.
Thank you for your time and your previous support.
Kind Regards