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Mr Love
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Playing: MAFIA 2
Posted: 15th Jan 2018 18:47 Edited at: 15th Jan 2018 19:22
I have done over 3 level already, but never ever seen something like this! In the first room there is a heavy shootout, and if You die, these legs will dingeling in the roof when You come out from the small starter room. A reason for this is ofcourse that I have to place the Characters under the ground because otherwise they are flying when spawn.. (Have a room over this room.) But they shourld not spawn before Im heading the stairs. When I die and respawn Myself, how can I stop objects from spawning?!! Is there any way to fix this?

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Posted: 16th Jan 2018 00:05 Edited at: 16th Jan 2018 00:07
Mr Love Lol....All things aside it does look very funny Those legs !
Quote: "I have to place the Characters under the ground because otherwise they are flying when spawn"

Why are they flying off ? They are dynamic characters, correct?
Quote: " Have a room over this room"

One thing, was this a custom made segment ( the ceiling & floor) or a stock one?
Because dynamic entities will fly off when placed "into" a static objects, is your floor a "static" entity floor ???
Quote: "But they should not spawn before Im heading the stairs"

Your using a trigger to span them, right... which script?
And yes, they shouldn't spawn just because you die
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
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Mr Love
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Playing: MAFIA 2
Posted: 16th Jan 2018 01:36
Quote: "Why are they flying off ? They are dynamic characters, correct? "

Correct, Its a bug in this version, and it sucks!
Quote: " is your floor a "static" entity floor ???"

No, its a segment made with Firma...
Quote: "Your using a trigger to span them, right... which script?"

Ill show You tomorrow, must go and eat now, after that bedtime! LOL, Dinner at 2:35 in the morning...
Mr Love
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Playing: MAFIA 2
Posted: 16th Jan 2018 11:44
Cant You add activated=1 in the appear1 script? (I think they use appear1, but they courld also use the 341 appear script) Not quite sure...

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Posted: 16th Jan 2018 23:45
Mr Love
Quote: "Cant You add activated=1 in the appear1 script?"

Yes, I do it all the time, mainly with something like a decals "appear" script... ( decals don't like to be spawned..sometimes )
There are just certain times when "spawning" an entity just wont work for whatever reason.... So I "activate" the appear script.

My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
Mr Love
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Playing: MAFIA 2
Posted: 17th Jan 2018 10:01
But maybe I dont need to do that because I only have one life in the game. The question is if I save in the middle of a firebattle, will the savefile cause this problem?
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Posted: 17th Jan 2018 23:20
Mr Love I really don't know if it would cause that? You could do a build and test it out ?
I personally have never had that happen yet, even with a save during a gun battle
The player always spawns at last "check point" and the npc characters are still on top
of the segments.
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
Mr Love
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Posted: 18th Jan 2018 18:56 Edited at: 18th Jan 2018 19:50
Quote: "Mr Love I really don't know if it would cause that?"

Whats cause this is that I place the Characters so low, because otherwise they will fly(!) Its a bug in beta 18, beta 17 didnt have this problem, but in "17" objects disappeard instead..
Also B.I doesnt have this bug, B.I has an even worse bug: You can shoot thru static objects(!)
So I stay with beta 18. I just need to change the "Y" value in the .fpe file...
BTW I posted You A PM
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Posted: 18th Jan 2018 21:22 Edited at: 18th Jan 2018 21:24
Mr Love
Quote: "B.I has an even worse bug: You can shoot thru static objects"

I really don't get that with any of my static entities, are these custom made entities?
If you can send me one that you can shot thru..
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
Mr Love
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Posted: 18th Jan 2018 21:52 Edited at: 18th Jan 2018 21:55
Quote: "are these custom made entities? "

Yep, I tried to hide behind a house (Made by Me) that was static, But I was shot down! Same house in beta18 and the collision worked out perfect...
(Its a CGtrader model, so I cant really upload it.)
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Posted: 18th Jan 2018 22:04
Mr Love I see....No problem then. Static entities should have "bullet collision on" by default? That is strange
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...

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