Klingon would be very funny. That could be a Selling-Point. But I think, you would have a ton of work to do than.
At this moment, I see a little problem in not understanding the commands with the given english help. There is much room for interpretation. Or missing information. Some of them you get, if you get the compiler error, but not in the help itself.
Returns 1 if the given button is currently down, otherwise returns 0. To detect the instance that a button is pressed or released use GetRawJoystickButtonPressed or GetRawJoystickButtonReleased.
AGK supports up to 32 joystick buttons in the range 1-32.
... so what is missing? In which range is "index". It's from 1..8
Sometimes here would also help a help in Intelisense in the editor.
I could read thru some German text.