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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Two Multiplayer problems

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Posted: 6th Feb 2018 13:25 Edited at: 6th Feb 2018 13:31
Hi, i use FPSC X9 with Black Ice mod. I made a multiplayer game, it works with Hamachi, but i have some problems.

1) Characters are a bit under the ground (like in the pictures), but in the editor the are on the ground.

2) Characters doesn't change weapons. They start with the ww2wp\luger (and it works fine), but when i change weapon the character only changes arms position. I only see the luger (like in the pictures). I also tried to set weapons in slots (during the build game) but nothing happened.

How can i resolve these problems?



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Posted: 7th Feb 2018 22:23
Alexb1096 Ok, with the "sinking" characters, try raising them just a little off the floor when either testing or doing a final build.
That usually sorts out the problem ( but not always) Just try it and see.
As for your other problem I"ll run a test and see if I can replicate the weapon issue ...
A lot of these are simple issues that can be corrected with scripting or some setting that needs to be changed.
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Posted: 8th Feb 2018 14:30
Thank you very much, i'll try raising character.

Let me know about about the weapon issue
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Posted: 10th Feb 2018 12:24
Alexb1096 I made a quick simple multiplayer map and used some weapons from the ww2wp pack.
Now note I didn't have someone to play against, just myself in the test map, but weapons seemed fine?
They picked up & switched as intended. I didn't see any problems like you were having
Now this was in a "multiplayer" correct, not single player?
The one thing you could do is to make a very simple (small) map, using stock items only, and upload it here (just the .fpm file)
That way someone could text out your map and see if the problem occurs?
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Posted: 17th Feb 2018 17:46
When i play the game my player is perfect but other players have those problems. And other players see their players perfect but me with bugs...
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Posted: 18th Feb 2018 18:59
Quote: " but other players have those problems" that is a problem, as I have no way to test or duplicate this
The only way is to somehow make a build and play with others There has to be someway
to replicate this in a single player map ???
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Posted: 1st Mar 2018 16:27
I don't thinks so, third person is not great in fpsc, but i can play my game with 2 computers so i can test the problems.
I tried many times but i can't find a solution...
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Posted: 4th Mar 2018 17:31
Quote: " third person is not great in fpsc"

Wait... are you saying your trying to use 3rd person view for multiplayer?
Or did I read it incorrectly If so, no, you can't do/use it that way.
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
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Posted: 9th Mar 2018 10:58
No i'm not trying to use 3rd persone view in mp.
You said
Quote: "There has to be someway
to replicate this in a single player map ???"

That would be the only way, because the problem is about how a player sees the other players in mp. In single player all is fine.

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