RunApp( "explorer.exe", a$ )
This works absolutely fine and WILL open in any directory you like but it needs backwards slashes in the file path c::\path\path2\path3 is fine but c:/name/name isnt!!
If you use / slashes the path isnt valid and so it defualts to the my documents folder
So...try this code
//a$ = GetDocumentsPath()
a$ = GetWritePath()
a$ = ReplaceString(a$,"/","\",-1)
Ive managed to open any directory I want to....
Theres also GetWritePath(), GetCurrentDir() and GetDocumentsPath() to get the standard directories without having to hardcode anything
plus if you use
a$ = "/n,"+a$ - you can open multiple explorer windows
a$ = "/select,"+a$ - you can open the explorer window and even select the filename you just saved
There are other options too...
No need for plugins to do this!
lol (...funny how some edits have occurred since I posted)