I've built a media player app using Tier 1, very simple, it just plays several OGG audio tracks... done.
Upon submitting it to Amazon, they are reporting that my app "Offers in-app purchase"... which it does not.
I submitted a support ticket to Amazon on how to get that notice removed from my listings, and they replied that I need to check "your Android manifest file for the associated receiver and permissions and remove it, even if there's no actual IAP code in your app"
I believe that they assume that my app is built with JAVA, but it's built with AppGameKit Tier 1 code, and I've no clue how to proceed with removing IAP support from my apps.
I'm hoping that someone here has experience with this and can help me... Please!
Someone on the amazon forum posted that I should be looking for this code and comment it out:
<receiver android:name = "com.amazon.device.iap.ResponseReceiver" >
<action android:name = "com.amazon.inapp.purchasing.NOTIFY"
android:permission = "com.amazon.inapp.purchasing.Permission.NOTIFY" />