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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Change the right mouse button to only zoom when it is being held instead of toggled?

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Joined: 9th Feb 2007
Posted: 23rd Feb 2018 06:36
I've tried searching but I could not find an answer, I would simply like the right mouse button to only zoom when the mouse button is being pressed in. Is this possible?
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Joined: 19th Feb 2012
Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 23rd Feb 2018 11:06
Insane6 Unless you made a typo, it should only be the "right mouse button" click to zoom now.
I don't recall anything in the "gunspec" file that can change this. But I'm wondering, do you have
"Nomad Mod" installed and are you using "dual weapon" settings in the gunspec ???
Check the culprit weapon's gunspec file for "candual=1" , maybe that can cause it ? I'm just guessing
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
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Joined: 9th Feb 2007
Posted: 24th Feb 2018 04:51
Sorry my wording was a little confusing. The right mouse button is indeed click to zoom. However I would like to change it to where the player can only zoom in when the mouse button is being held down. Is this possible?

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