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Newcomers AppGameKit Corner / Setting the IDE color (including widgets and menus) in Windows.

Rick Nasher
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Posted: 4th Mar 2018 20:43 Edited at: 11th Feb 2019 16:56
Just in case someone wonders..

I knew how to change the color theme for the IDE (I prefer it dark to save on eye strain), but that left me with the basic Windows GUI colors(superbright) for the widgets and menus in contrast to the dark coding area, which still annoyed me.

With the help of Derron from most of the ex-Blitz Basic coders hang out) and the docs(well mostly Derron) , I've managed to also change the widgets and menu colors. E.g:

1st attempt.

2nd and current config.

*) for current layout see latest post.

Tried a few different combo's and what works best for me during night and daytime is;
1) Selecting in View->Color Scheme->Geany Tango Dark
2) Combine this with an additional theme from the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\The Game Creators\AGK2\Tier 1\Editor\share\themes\
by adding the line include "../share/themes/ClearlooksDarkOrange/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" to the file C:\Program Files (x86)\The Game Creators\AGK2\Tier 1\Editor\data\geany.gtkrc (below line 41)


Hope this of some use to someone out there who like me, can't stand staring at bright screens for to long.
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Posted: 5th Mar 2018 22:24
Good stuff. I'm going to check both of these out. I use AppGameKit Dark, but like Rick said the menu and widgets stay white.
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Posted: 5th Mar 2018 23:07
Thanks for sharing. I think all code editors should be dark. Easier on the eyes when you are staring for several hours.
Rick Nasher
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Posted: 5th Mar 2018 23:26 Edited at: 5th Mar 2018 23:44

You mean from around here?

Ah, see you posted it meanwhile. Well, above is a good source of themes too.

Nice! That just became my default theme for the widgets, menus and stuff.
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Posted: 7th Mar 2018 20:03
Can we also change the default pointer sizes in themes?? My Windows 10 Surface Book has a rather high resolution ( 3000 x 2000 ) and it has a large mouse cursor to compensate for scaling. Thing is, AGK1 IDE doesn't really scale properly with a 3000 x 2000 resolution, nor does the pointer have the 'regular' scaled up size I use in Windows. So.. something is overwritten I think. The Windows size does show over the widgets and menu bar of AGK2 IDE, but not in the coding area.
I too use the AppGameKit Dark theme by the way, definitely comes highly recommended. No doubt it is even better with a dark menu bar and darker widgets.
Rick Nasher
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Posted: 14th Apr 2018 08:24 Edited at: 11th Feb 2019 16:34
Just installed latest AppGameKit 12-04-2018 (with AR: pretty great!) and of course needed to modify theme back, but I also found had to re-copy the Adwaita theme back into the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\The Game Creators\AGK2\Tier 1\Editor\share\themes even though the original was still there, otherwise it just wouldn't catch on.

Also had to change back the compiler to x64 again. Pity there no prefs for these 2 matters this 1 matter, other than that, great stuff. [EDIT: see update below this post]

No clue about the pointer. I suppose yes, but not sure how.
Rick Nasher
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Posted: 11th Feb 2019 16:31 Edited at: 11th Feb 2019 16:48
- Above step doesn't always seems to be needed btw.
- No need to change to x64 as now has a setting for it in prefs thanks to the guys from AppGameKit listening to this request.
- For changing the font(modern mono spaced font for easy align and reading code):
1) Download:

2) Configure:
In menu go to Preference>Interface>Fonts>
Editor: Montserrat SemiBold Semi-Bold 9
Symbol list: Sans 7
Message window: Sans 9

Current layout:

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