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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Any way to fix these ugly lines?

Mr Love
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Joined: 9th Jun 2005
Playing: MAFIA 2
Posted: 6th Mar 2018 01:06
Just made a very small testbuilding, And sadly there is ugly lines between the segments. Does anyone know how to remove these ugly lines? (Its not the texture!)


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Posted: 6th Mar 2018 22:30
Mr Love
Quote: " ugly lines between the segments"

They are not too noticeable. But these are "segments" .. correct, not a building entity?
Did you make them with the "Segment Creator" or are these a stock segment?
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
Mr Love
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Posted: 7th Mar 2018 08:49 Edited at: 7th Mar 2018 08:56
Yes, I made the segments in the "Segment Creator". There are no stock-segments with windows I think? When I go close to the wall, the lines disappear...
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Posted: 7th Mar 2018 10:52
Mr Love
Quote: " I made the segments in the "Segment Creator" "

Ok, just a guess here, but maybe the segments are over lapping just a tiny bit ?
I suggest making one with FirmaV2
and see if you get better results ? It's worth a try It uses stock segments so they always fit properly.
You just apply your own textures.
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
Mr Love
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Playing: MAFIA 2
Posted: 7th Mar 2018 12:35
Well, if it was that easy? No, these segments has "REAL" windows. No, what I can do is to scale down the segment from 100x100 to about 99.8x99.8.... Perhaps that wourld do the trick! Thanks for the idea...

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