Teir 2 is the best option for this...
In windows you can get the command line argument and set your app as the default application for the file type. Then when a user double clicks on a png...your app opens up and is passed the filename.
Android is harder but still possible:
You can set what app opens a given type of file in the android settings menu. You can change the default app for different file types and so android will start your app instead of the gallery android view for example.
To open the correct file you will have to change your manifest to recieve message intents
<action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:mimeType="image/*" />
Your app then has to respond to intent messages and then open the file that it is passed by android.
Im hoping that the command line argument is implemented in AppGameKit in the next release. It already appears to be in the lanhuage but doent seem to work. If it was implemented then teir 1 could be used (at least on windows).