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Newcomers AppGameKit Corner / *Ubuntu 18.04 64Bit LTS Linux - IDE Game Compiles But Does Not Run??

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Posted: 1st Apr 2018 03:35

Got a severe problem with Linux version of current AppGameKit 2.
I am running the new Kubuntu 18.04 64Bit LTS.
I installed Linux Steam, and then installed Linux version of AppGameKit 2.
I loaded my project and it compiles but it refuses to run??

Before I was using Manjaro KDE 64Bit and had to do the following to fix the above:
"sudo pacman -S libcurl-compat" (the Arch way)
I tried: "sudo apt install libcurl-compat", but it's not found?
After the above the Geany executable should be run with: " ./geany64".

Any help would be appreciate, thanks!
I am dead in the water at the moment...

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Posted: 1st Apr 2018 03:55
Hi Again,

When I run the game's executable in Konsole I get the following error:
jlp@SuperFastDesktop:~/Desktop/VM-SHARE/SpaceSwap$ ./SpaceSwap
./SpaceSwap: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `CURL_OPENSSL_3' not found (required by ./SpaceSwap)

Any help would be appreciated!

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Posted: 1st Apr 2018 09:41

jlp@SuperFastDesktop:~/Desktop/VM-SHARE/SpaceSwap$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ ./SpaceSwap
ERROR: object '/usr/lib/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
./SpaceSwap: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `CURL_OPENSSL_3' not found (required by ./SpaceSwap)

Any other ideas?

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Posted: 27th Apr 2018 17:00

sudo apt install libcurl3:i386

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Posted: 16th May 2018 04:33
I had the same problem

sudo apt install libcurl3

works for me
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Posted: 16th May 2018 08:37 Edited at: 16th May 2018 08:45
Before searching or installing anything always need to update the repo first

sudo apt-get update

An then install or search what you need.
Normally I always install synaptic

sudo apt-get install synaptic

Then you should have an icon in application launcher to run it, but if you type synaptic in the terminal I think it should work too.
Synaptic allow you to search for packages more easily. Just type libcurl or whatever package is missing by AppGameKit in the search box and it should give you a list of packages with description what each package is and you can select any package to install. Synaptic then going to configure dependencies and remove anything my conflict with the package you are about to install.

You can also search the package names online to find what you need for example it shows for you need to instal the package libcurl3

If installing libcurl3 does not solve your problem then probably one more package is missing, I believe I had to install 3 packages to get AppGameKit working on a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 but can't remember what it was, if you run it from terminal it should always tell you what package is missing "not found".

I think it would be nice if TGC would include a shell script or something that we can run and it would go through all the dependencies required by AppGameKit IDE and AppGameKit Player and install them from the repo.
Or even better if we would get a snap package
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Posted: 18th May 2018 00:40
I had said that installing libcurl3 solved the problem but.... now that I turn on my pc again I found a bigger problem and it is the following one:

AGK needs libcurl3, but steam-launcher uses libcurl4, so if you install steam, it deletes libcurl3 and installs libcurl4, but when you install libcurl3 for AppGameKit to work, libcurl4 is deleted and you run out of steam-launcher. So then? Let's hope the AppGameKit guys solve the problem.

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