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FPSC Classic Product Chat / How can I disappear an entity?

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Joined: 4th Apr 2018
Posted: 6th Apr 2018 02:59
Hi, I've read a lot of threads about how to disappear or delete an entity with a trigger zone or scripts. However I didn't find the way.

Ok, Let me explain what I want, I've created a trigger zone to spawn a Zombie after 1 second, but I want to disappear it when I walk on another trigger zone or other way. It will be like a scream

Could you please help? Much obliged.
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Joined: 19th Feb 2012
Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 7th Apr 2018 13:02
UglyGod If I understand you correctly, there are several ways to do this. FIrst look in your "Doc's" folder in fpsc and
you should see a .pdf named ocfpscguide. It has a wealth of info. Look on page #154 ( Spawning enemies with triggers )
It shows in detail what you want. This guide contains much more, so look over it. It gives several ways to "spawn & destroy"
using triggers
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