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Posted: 6th Apr 2018 20:19 Edited at: 6th Apr 2018 20:52
Hi guys, would like to show you my current WIP project. My knowledge of coding is erm.... Basic, I’m hopeless at graphics and my program is a mess but here we are.

The idea for this game is from a 1990’s board game called Gazza, in which you had a board (football pitch), a ball and a deck of cards each with a number and direction, you would take turns playing a card to move the ball as the card instructed hoping to get it into the goal area, if you did and your opponent didn’t have a save card then it was a goal. The higher the number on the card the better the move. I have taken this simple game and basically took it to a whole new level.

I’ll try and keep this short for now as there’s so many instructions but basically in my game you have different types of cards like PASS, SAVE, SHOOT, CROSS, SWITCH PLAY, CLEAR BALL etc, some cards can only be played in certain zones like for instance a cross card can only be played in the cross zone, some cards must be the last card in a turn like for instance a shoot card because once a shot is made that’s the end of your turn. You are dealt 10 cards from your pack at the start of each game and you can only use cards in your hand to play, any card you use is replaced at end of each turn. You receive a certain number of moves each turn depending on tactics played by you or opposition, every card you play uses up a move and adds 45 seconds to the clock, you can carry over any moves you don’t use for your next turn.

To acquire cards you buy players, player variables are position, skill, preferred foot, value and cards they carry, each outfield player has 8 cards, they depend on the variables so for instance only Full backs and Wingers have cross cards, only attackers have shoot cards etc, a right footed player will not have cards that go right as this needs a left foot and visa versa but a both footed player can go either way of your choosing, a player with higher number cards will cost more.

Players can also have a skill, this also depends on position so for instance only keepers have penalty saving skill and only central defenders have man marking skills etc, skills effect the game in a different way then just moving ball around, some skills are for set plays, some add cards to your tactical board to be used during a game. I currently have 13 different player skills.

Your tactical board is where you alter tactics in play, you acquire tactical cards either through player skills or on the training ground. Some tactical cards are auto activated so are in effect through your the game or at certain points and some are manual activated so you choose when to play them, for instance Men Behind the Ball tactic limits your moves so you don’t get out of your half much but also limits all your opponents shoot cards to 1 so in effect it’s like playing Men Behind the Ball in football because you will stop most of their attacks but you can’t attack yourself as your too busy defending, good to use if your holding on to a win near the end of the game and have no good moves left to play. I currently have 13 tactical cards but hope for many more.

The game will have progression so you start with little cash, limited skilled players able to sign and few tactical cards on offer but over time you will gain more but meet better opposition, opposition will vary through all skills and tactics so for instance one may like to man mark, break up play, clear ball etc a lot to keep tight, one may like to be good at all set plays or one may like to have all great attack players but bad keeper so a high scoring game is possible.

Generally the idea of the game is of course to score but if you can’t then you need to leave the ball as far upfield as possible, also keeping a good hand is key like for instance don’t leave only left footed cards in your hand because you may find ball on right hand side of the pitch on your turn and you would be stuck, and using tactics at right time is key like for instance if you have no keeper cards in your hand then you may need to use a tactic to tighten up and stop your opposition from getting a shot in till you are dealt one, also finding out your opposition tactics is key like for instance no point having lots of players who are skilled in attacking corners if their keeper mainly has save cards rather then deflect save cards as deflect save cards stop the shot but it goes for a corner kick.

Phew there’s so much more to the game including dice rolling for set plays etc but I’ll leave it for now, apologies if that’s confused you. I’ve still plenty of work to do and more things to add. Hope you like the sound of the game even though the graphics are poor.


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Posted: 7th Apr 2018 10:11
Sounds awesome, looking forward to trying it out
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Posted: 9th Apr 2018 12:23
Thanks smallg

As you can see it’s very different to your use of the sprites. Still lots to do including an actual progression to the game, thinking it will be divisions with promotion and relegation and of course XP - levels so that you open up new cards and tactics. Hopefully I can have a video soon but currently not sure how to, using the screen recording on iPhone is not good as it seems to miss out certain bits and video would need to see a mouse cursor so you guys would know what I’m clicking on.
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Posted: 10th Apr 2018 18:14
indeed it is, i like dice based games so if you need a beta tester let me know
p.s. i think most screen recorders for phones will record finger touches by default
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Posted: 18th Apr 2018 15:10
This game will certainly need beta testing that’s for sure. Will working hard altering and adding stuff, hopefully I can tidy things up a bit soon to post a video, currently testing out different screen recorders as some seem to be not good frame rate, quite awful actually.
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Posted: 19th Apr 2018 14:34
Very nice idea. Sounds promising

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Posted: 29th May 2018 16:12 Edited at: 29th May 2018 16:20
Will post some more videos soon including a narrative one to explain what I’m doing and what I’m taping on as this screen recorder does not show that.

In this video it’s 3 mins gone and we both have 4 moves each indicated by the balls next to the score, I view my tactical cards, I have ‘extra subs and returns’ card as you only start with 3 each but this card doubles that up, I also have ‘sure start keeper’ card which deals you a normal save card first off, handy as you can go long into the game without being dealt a save card or corner save card so having that peace of mind early on can be good. I also have 1 create play and 1 break up play card thanks to a skilled player in each of that field in my team, break up card reduces your opponents move balls by 1 and create play card adds 1 move ball to your total. I also have 3 quick attack cards, these are handy if your losing late in the game as playing this card will mean your moves use very little time thus giving you more time to get that equaliser or winner if your drawing, specially if you sense your opponent has no keeper cards left.

I also view my player skills, I have my keeper with ball kicking which means he kicks the Ball further, a free kick specialist which means more dice when taking free kicks (I will post a video of these set piece dice processes and how having a certain set piece skill works in your favour), 1 defending corners player, this reduces your opponents dice when he has a corner (you can have more then 1 defending corner skill player to reduce more opponent dice, 1 cross skill player, this means his normal cross cards turn into expert cross cards, normal cross cards randomly try to put the ball in the area but expert cross sticks it in front of goal every time. I also have 1 break up play skill player and 1 create skill player as you saw in the tactical cards screen it gave me 1 of each. As you can see there are more player skills and lots more tactical cards but they are dimmed to show I have none.

I play 4 pass cards as I can’t get a shot on target here with the 10 cards in my hand, if you can’t shoot then get the ball as far away from your goal as possible. My opponent then uses a keeper card to move the ball forward 3 (any keeper card does this provided the Ball is in his area and you don’t lose this card when you play it unlike any other card), he then uses a clear card as the ball is still within the blue zone (I need to show these zones when opponent has his turn as currently I only show my zones), clear cards are good as they are cheap and if your hand is poor then clearing the ball away can save you. I then return a clear card to the pack as I have 2 but get a rubbish 3 forward pass :-( I then clear the Ball back, my opponent then pulls out a great move, 1 good pass 1 awesome pass, a normal cross which can only be played in the cross zone which is the red areas (again I need to show the opponents zones when it’s his turn), then he has the perfect super shot card from where the ball randomly lands and it’s a shot on target, note I do have a save card in my hand but because it’s a super shot card I need a super save card so it’s a goal, the better keepers/attackers you have the more super .. you have, this will change to expert shot/save though like the expert tactical cards.

Lots more to this game and will post more, it’s still WIP and would love to be able to do good graphics for this game as I’m awful at it.
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Posted: 29th May 2018 16:15 Edited at: 29th May 2018 16:17
Here’s the video.... the compressed file is not great and thanks to my rubbish iPhone screen recorder the frame rate isn’t too good too but hopefully you can see what’s going off. Any help would be appreciated on how I can get a better recording to post on here.


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Posted: 29th May 2018 18:07
Here’s a video showing how dice works with set plays, that’s free kicks, corners, penalties and also there’s an appeal process to with fouls that uses the dice system.

Using 3 good pass cards I get the ball into the box and with my last move I use a foul card, use it in the box (yellow area) and it’s a penalty, use it in the orange area and it’s a free kick. So first off there’s the appeal process, it’s 6 dice to start with, you need to roll a 6 for the ref to award the foul, I have the ‘expert play-acting’ card so that gives me 3 extra dice and my opponent does not have the ‘expert tackling’ card or else it would reduce my total dice by 3. The dice are rolled and I get a 6, so it’s a penalty.

Now for the penalty you start with 6 dice again but if you have an ‘expert penalty taking’ card from having a skilled penalty taker in your team then you get 4 extra dice, I don’t so it stays at 6, my opponent does not have an ‘expert penalty saver’ card so his keeper is not skilled at saving penalties and thus he can’t reduce my dice my 4. The dice is rolled and I get a 6 so it’s a goal. So as you see with all dice rolling the more dice you have the more chance you have, skills and tactic cards alter the dice amounts.


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Posted: 29th May 2018 18:33
are the expert cards you mention like 1 use only or a sort of permanent bonus but you only get to choose from at the start of the game?
i assume the later as that would allow you to customise your team and get unlocks etc but what stops you from using the same sort of approach every (/most) time you have the ball?

also how do you determine if the pass would be in the orange or the yellow zone when passing (for the foul to be considered a penalty or just a free kick)? is that a timing thing? because your second pass appears to stop just before the orange zone while the third pass is already in the penalty box.

is there a beta yet?
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Posted: 29th May 2018 21:44 Edited at: 29th May 2018 21:51
Essentially in the game there are 2 sets of cards, move cards like pass, shoot, save, clear, cross that you build into a pack by buying players and use in game to move the ball or save the ball and there are tactical cards that you inherit from the tactical shop by unlocking, these cards alter the dynamics of the game, you are limited to how many you can have, so for the expert thing, well an expert move card is basically a supped up move card like expert cross rather then cross, expert save rather then save etc, to get these you must have a player skilled in that area so if you have a player who has cross cards (only wing backs and wingers do) and he has crossing as a skill then his cross cards will turn into expert cross cards, the most cross cards a player can have is 2 so you can have a max of 8 expert cross cards in your pack but this may use up your quota of skilled players and you are limited to how many skilled players you can have so ok use them up by having lots of expert cross cards but then you are missing out on other skills too, but if you like crossing then go for it.

For the expert tactical cards which I think you was on about (expert play acting etc) well some are limited to a certain amount of usage per game some are permanent in a game but only become active in certain events, Your limited to how many tactical cards you can have so again like skilled players you decide which tactical cards you like best or are best to play again certain teams, Not sure if I’ve explained your question right but they are a permanent bonus if you buy the players skilled in that area but your limited to skilled players or tactical cards, so do you have expert crossers or man markers or creative players etc... you can’t have them all even at top level, your style of play will be different to others.

To explain the penalty situation, I played 3 pass cards to get the Ball into the penalty area then I played the foul card, where the ball is before you play the foul card determines whether it’s a free kick or penalty. There’s no timing thing in my game (though I will have a time limit to make your move) it’s basically based on a board game so I’m keeping that style, you play your cards and move the ball to suit, the animation is just animating your move you played.

For a beta version well I wouldn’t know where to start with that !! I’ve not looked into how to share the game yet like you did with herolls.
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Posted: 29th May 2018 22:13 Edited at: 30th May 2018 09:22

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Posted: 30th May 2018 18:27
i see so it is like editing your squad to suit your play style, makes sense, i guess it's just hard to envision the balance of the game without actually playing it
impressive to see you're attempting to code some AI into the game, that alone must be a huge task, getting all the different teams and such and knowing which cards to play when etc... definitely the hardest part about coding games imo.

about the beta, well that depends how official you want the beta to be but if you get to a stage where you think it can be play tested (doesn't matter if it's rough around the edges, we're all used to that i'm sure) i would be happy to play test it via .apk which you can just share with dropbox or something... but of course only when you're ready, looks like the game is progressing quite nicely though
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Posted: 1st Jun 2018 09:41
Yes it’s editing to suit your style but also I’m trying to get it to work so that you choose your style to tackle your opponent too, for instance im trying to get the balance right so that if your playing against a team much higher skill then you then by using certain defensive tactics you have a chance of at least a draw whereas if you play normal your chance is less and if you attack then your probably in for a big defeat. It’s hard to get the balance right and needs lots of testing.

Yeh the AI has been the most problematic by far, it takes up a massive amount of code, I’ve basically got the AI to search for a move in stages by going through each possibility from his 10 cards, 1st stage shot on target, 2nd stage penalty or free kick, 3rd stage closest to goal etc, and I’ve just set scenarios for when AI should use a tactical card if he has one.

I’m unsure whether to have each AI team have same tactics and skillls as then you would learn what they were after 1 game and counter it from then on, maybe switch between a few, I don’t want it totally random as I want each team to have it’s own style so team A would always be defensive style, team b great individual skills, team c great card skills, team d amazing goalkeeper etc..
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Posted: 9th Nov 2018 12:27
Been a while since I’ve posted. Not had a lot of time recently but I am plodding on with this project. Added a few new move cards and tactical cards, a career game, level progression and generally been testing and altering the rules and variables etc, I’m also adding a help guide as this game certainly needs it.

I hope to post a video of me going through a match soon explaining how it all works as my original post I’m sure was confusing. It been quite a challenge to do, as you can see I am hopeless at any sort of graphics but this is more of a strategy game and getting an AI into the game has been the toughest and required the most testing to get it to play the right cards and right tactics at the right time.
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Posted: 9th Nov 2018 18:29
I actually looked up this thread the other day, glad to see it's not dead
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2019 17:18 Edited at: 4th Feb 2019 10:03
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2019 17:27 Edited at: 4th Feb 2019 10:05
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2019 17:43 Edited at: 4th Feb 2019 10:06
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2019 17:50 Edited at: 4th Feb 2019 10:06
1st video is showing how you set up a team, tactics and training, 2nd video is a little bit of the match and 3rd video is a bit more of the match.

Changed name to Soccer Kings, lots of tweaking done to dynamics of the match. Match video is only short and doesn’t show corner kicks, goal kicks, penalties, throw ins and most tactics you can play, there is too much to show in 1 go. Will have a testable version very soon.
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2019 17:49
just use the video code in the youtube tags (i.e. video=youtube]XYZSW9pwASU[/video - with the [] on the ends)
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Posted: 4th Feb 2019 10:08
Thanks smallg, sorted that now
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Posted: 16th Feb 2019 13:20 Edited at: 16th Feb 2019 13:27

Hopefully this works as its first time I have used Dropbox. Above is a link to the APK file for a demo version of my Soccer Kings game. Please note that currently only Division 9 and Division 8 teams are set up correctly if you 'Start New Career' and only Division 6 teams are set up correctly if you choose 'Jump to Division 6'. The nature of the game means that early on in your career there are fewer tactical cards and opportunities to score but keepers are not so good so a high scoring game is still possible but later on there are many opportunities to score but with more tactical cards and better keepers a high scoring game is not always the case. I have 'jump to Division 6' option so you can test a match with better cards and more tactical options, I will very soon add a Jump to Division 2' option which will open up all tactical cards in the game.

I appreciate your time in testing my game out, I know its no oil painting, I'm amazed at some of the work on this forum....truly amazing and totally beyond my abilities so the best I can do is a game that has maybe a little strategy to it?
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Posted: 16th Feb 2019 14:23 Edited at: 16th Feb 2019 16:09
i'm impressed by the AI in this, they work really well, i'd love to know how you did that, even when they don't really make "good" plays they never seem to make bad plays

- why do i play my corner card when they get a corner?
- seems like you can only play 5 cards per turn but you have 6 action points? wouldn't it make more sense to be able to use all 6 of the actions?
- seems like "shoot" is a bit too common considering only 2 of my player's have the skill, i have a few turns now where i literally can't do anything (except sub out all my cards) because i'm filled up with shoot and other zone specific cards... i assume it's random but perhaps card chance should be more weighted based on what is already in your hand or something?
- i have no idea what the dice are for, there's no indication on screen what the desired roll should be, just a bunch of dice rolling and then always a fail (both me and AI, probably due to our low skill level) - feel like there needs to be some info on what is happening there
- it would be nice if we could click the bar that is storing our "used" cards while taking our turn to remove them in reverse order rather than needing to reset the entire play (the bar at the top of the screen which fills up as we make our play - click it to remove the last card played)
- cards could do with a "cost" indicator - i.e. normal pass costs 1, long ball costs 2 etc
- throw ins seem too strong - they don't cost actions and go quite a way, should probably be shorter

- got stuck at the end of the match cos i was given choice to quit or return to game - i thought quit meant quit completely so i pressed return to game and then only the AI can take a turn with me being stuck not being able to quit anymore
- also got stuck after the AI scored in my 2nd match, the ball went back to the centre but it never said it was my turn and i couldn't click anything at all.

granted i have very little clue about how to play and lost my first game 0 - 1 without being able to take a single shot on target so take all feedback with a pinch of salt
edit: this game went pretty well - sorry for the low quality, my internet sucks so i had to compress the video a lot to make it upload in a decent time
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Posted: 16th Feb 2019 17:37 Edited at: 16th Feb 2019 18:30
Thanks for testing this out smallg. Firstly I’m concerned with the fact that you couldn’t kick off after the opponent scored? Now after every turn I play I press the menu button, that’s the 3 horizontal lines icon to continue the game, it’s just for test purposes so I can investigate any actions and bring up a load of variables if there’s an error but for this version you have I took all that out so it should automatically go to their turn or kick off. Does this happen after every opponent goal? Try hitting the icon I said if this happens again. I’ll test the apk version you have on this also.

You play your corner card because that’s your keeper card, when your opponent has a shot on goal or a free kick on target the decision whether it’s a goal or not depends on what ‘keeper cards’ you have in your hand, you had a keeper corner card in your hand so it went for a corner. Keeper corner cards are cheaper then keeper save cards but of course you give them a chance to score from the corner. Yes I plan on putting the costs of each card into the game as only the total amount shows up when you click on a player, knowing the costs is important as you can pick a better team if you know the costs better, for instance straight pass cards are slightly more expensive then cards that go up then diagonally because straight cards are easier to work out where they go and you can’t get trapped on one side with a straight card.

You can have a max of 6 plays but yes you can only play 5 cards but you can play 6 plays if you have a long ball card because a long ball card uses up 2 plays so with 6 plays you can go say - long ball - pass - pass - cross - shoot. Also a goal kick takes up 3 moves so having 6 plays means you can say - goal kick - pass - pass - shoot. Long balls cost more then 2 pass cards of equal distance but the advantage of long ball is you can play a 6 play move, and a long ball only uses up 45 seconds but is 2 plays so is good if your short on time, so that’s a choice you make, do you spend more buying long ball players to have a chance of 6 plays or not??

In terms of having no pass cards left just shoot cards and zone cards, well that’s part of the game, you have to keep a good hand so ensure you have an even spread of cards, use return card or sub card if needed at any time and try not to have too many shoot cards early on in your career as chances are fewer so buy attackers with 3 shoot cards each maybe? Unless you are playing a much easier team. There are ‘shuffle pack’ tactical cards and ‘extra subs and returns’ tactical cards further on in the game (about level 4 onwards) so they help too , also try and keep your hand even in terms of left and right footers, don’t have all say left footers in your hand cause what if the ball ends up on the right side when it’s your turn!! Also maybe you don’t need to many keeper cards early on in career so buy a cheaper keeper with fewer keeper cards. I can easily keep a good hand now but of course that’s practice.... lots of practice lol

Yes in terms of the dice I should explain in the game somehow that you need to roll a six to ‘win the foul - get your free kick on target - score from the corner - score the penalty. The more dice you have the more chance of getting a six so training up players in a certain skill helps like for instance train a player in penalty taking means you get 10 dice rather then six when you have a penalty.

Yes I agree on the reverse card thing and have thought about that before, it will be tough maybe but important I feel and will speed up the game.

Apologies for the end of the game thing, I forgot to take that away, that’s just for test purposes so I could carry on with the game after 90 minutes and test stuff but you need to ‘return to menu’

Throw ins are strong and only need 1 player trained up to always throw the ball much further then normal but throw ins are rare so maybe don’t let the ball go out of play?

Not watched the video yet, will do after posting this.

Edit after watching video:

Couldn’t beleive no one was rolling a 6 early on. You played well, I need to show opponent skill as you start at level 1 and San Marino are level 1, Gibraltar Level 0 and Andorra Level 2 so you was playing a slightly easier team but only slightly. Each team varies in training n tactical cards too.

You like to save plays up which is good but risky if you leave the ball nearer to centre as opponent won’t need to move ball as far, also risky if you don’t have any keeper cards in your hand but the risk was paying off for you, maybe not so much when you play better teams but if you have keeper save card in hand then it could be worth a gamble. I never saw your individual skills page but guess most was for create play and break up play, I have to have 2 players equal 1 card for these 2 tactics as they are very powerful. Be careful with ‘push men forward’ cards, yes you get 1 extra to your pass cards but if you don’t score then your opponent gets 1 extra play, this is like in a game of football where a team push forward but leave themselves open at the back.

There are more tactical cards in the game as you progress and ability to select more tactical cards too and I’m planning on more, at high level there are much more chances in the game and more tactical plays to think about.
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Posted: 16th Feb 2019 19:58
yep i figured the corner cards out later, first time i saw it happen was a bit confusing but after i got a few saves etc it made sense what was happening

makes sense on the way you explain the 5 card vs 6 actions but i still think it would make it better to remove the card limit - as you say, it's not always a good idea to save up 6 action points (not sure about later levels but seems the average actions per turn is 4 or 5 anyway as a new player) and some cards / hands will be unable to use more than 4 cards anyway due to cost or zone limits etc plus special abilities are limited so i think purely limiting by action cost is already fine and opens up more tactical freedom.

no there wasn't any error when it froze after the opponent scored, simply never went to my turn - only happened that one time and i did try clicking the menu button but i was unable to click anything on screen at all, i had to force close the app.

no worries for the continue game button, i was thinking that meant like "continue your career" vs "return to menu" which i thought meant the main menu (as in quit)... it was 50/50 choice and i just happened to pick the option that broke the game

Quote: "Yes in terms of the dice I should explain in the game somehow that you need to roll a six to ‘win the foul - get your free kick on target - score from the corner - score the penalty. The more dice you have the more chance of getting a six so training up players in a certain skill helps like for instance train a player in penalty taking means you get 10 dice rather then six when you have a penalty. "

so you only need a single 6 for the rolling phase? uhm during one of my games a free kick (i think) rolled a double 6 and they still failed? (only had 2 dice to roll btw, perhaps there's a bug when only checking 2 dice as opposed to the usual 4+?) unfortunately i didn't record that game.
perhaps make some brief particle effect on the 6's when a 6 is rolled would make it a bit clearer but yh i should have read the ? pages... i just jumped into the game and play tested

i thought the left / right foot thing was affecting the direction, i have my team about 50/50 already though

Quote: "In terms of having no pass cards left just shoot cards and zone cards, well that’s part of the game, you have to keep a good hand so ensure you have an even spread of cards, use return card or sub card if needed at any time and try not to have too many shoot cards early on in your career as chances are fewer so buy attackers with 3 shoot cards each maybe? Unless you are playing a much easier team. There are ‘shuffle pack’ tactical cards and ‘extra subs and returns’ tactical cards further on in the game (about level 4 onwards) so they help too , also try and keep your hand even in terms of left and right footers, don’t have all say left footers in your hand cause what if the ball ends up on the right side when it’s your turn!! Also maybe you don’t need to many keeper cards early on in career so buy a cheaper keeper with fewer keeper cards. I can easily keep a good hand now but of course that’s practice.... lots of practice lol "

yh i think it was just worse than expected cos i was trying to play as much as possible each turn and that quickly eats your passing cards... it doesn't appear to be much of an issue once you get used to the game.

Quote: "There are more tactical cards in the game as you progress and ability to select more tactical cards too and I’m planning on more, at high level there are much more chances in the game and more tactical plays to think about."

is there anywhere in game that explains what exactly the different tactics (such as ‘push men forward’) do? they don't seem to be listed in the help pages.. i couldn't see any effect from "get men behind the ball" for example.
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Posted: 16th Feb 2019 20:29 Edited at: 16th Feb 2019 20:31
Saving up 6 moves is good if you have a long ball card and also if you get a goal kick, also if opponent uses ‘break up play’ then you will still have 5 plays and a chance at goal. Main reason I’ve not gone to 6 cards is that I can’t possibly get opponent to work out moves using 6 cards, getting it to do 5 cards can be problematic, in some cases it can take computer 40 seconds to work out a move with 5 cards, with 6 it could take 5 minutes !!!

Not sure what happened with game freeze after opponent goal, never happened to me but like I say I altered game to automatically continue after opponent move rather then wait for my button press.

When you say ‘failed’ after a double six with free kick do you mean you didn’t score ? Because with a free kick you have to roll a six (yes you only need 1 six in a set of dice) just to get a shot on target, then it’s up to whether your opponent has a keeper card or not as to whether it’s a goal, corner or a save.

The help guide for the tactical cards can be found by pressing the ? Whilst in the tactical cards selection screen where you choose your tactical cards before a match. I should really merge it with the main help guide and have it all available at any point like during the game as well as during team select.
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Posted: 16th Feb 2019 22:59
managed to get a recording of the AI "failing" a free kick for you
i did have a save card this time but it didn't spend the save card - i don't think the AI has scored a free kick against me yet though they can definitely score corners and penalties... think it's a bug or am i missing something?

also how does crossing work? is it supposed to be this inaccurate? (seems like the AI crossing works much better).

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Posted: 17th Feb 2019 00:15 Edited at: 17th Feb 2019 08:25
Ok that crossing is very weird. The expert ones should always go in front of goal (same place everytime) whereas the normal cross card are random but always towards the 18 yrd box, maybe outside it just. I did change the zone the other day from 4 wide to 3 wide and added 1 extra space further down, I have noticed that ive not done the program for the new zone, I did the zone checks but not the random program, ive added that now to the link below but to be honest I cant see how that would have caused what you are getting?? does this happen everytime you use cross card? Ive never had issues like that and ive tested this game hundreds of times.

The free kick failing is not failing, your opponent rolled a six so got the shot on target, if he didn't roll a six it would be a miss, you had a save card so you saved it, you say it didn't replenish the save card? it should but you stopped the video just before the replacement would happen. I checked the program and the replacement is set, are you sure you didn't have 2 save cards? as only 1 would get replaced.

Ive also changed the process I set today where the turn from your opponent to yourself is automatic back to how I have it for testing because I think I may have found a flaw with it that may cause issues with not being your turn after a goal and maybe keeper card not being replaced after an event like free kick, so after each turn you will need to press the menu icon (3 horizonal lines) to go to your turn or kick off or goal kick etc. Should have left that alone in the first place.

heres the new apk file
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Posted: 17th Feb 2019 08:52 Edited at: 17th Feb 2019 09:45
Ok think I’ve found out about the cross card issue. I’m guessing you trained a player in crossing but he originally didn’t have cross cards ? I tried this - this morning and when I played the expert cross card it did exactly what you showed on the videos. I need to make it not possible to train a player in crossing when he has no cross cards originally, or keep this option but fix the program.

Also found out why you couldn’t kick off after an opponents goal that one time, and how your save card didn’t get replaced after you saved a free kick (shown on video), they both to do with me changing the process of going from opponents turn to your turn from manual to automatic just before I posted the apk file yesterday, I shouldn’t be changing things without testing them.

Thanks for all the testing smallg just shows having even 1 person test your game that person can easily find something the programmer failed to find after hundreds of tests.
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Posted: 17th Feb 2019 10:23
I've played a few leagues now, enjoying the game
Haven't tried the new version yet but the old version is working mostly great - hasn't frozen again so could have just been a freak occurance.

Nope to the theory on crossing, makes no difference if I train nobody in crossing or the guy with crossing cards ... Expert cross or normal crosses nearly always go out of play as seen in the video (very rarely they can end up 1 space away from the edge of the pitch but I haven't found any reason for the logic), AI crossing is nearly always way better, giving them great openings and never goes out of play (though the AI don't appear able to kick the ball out of play at all).

So free kicks are supposed to be able to be saved with keeper cards? I'll try keep a closer eye on it... That's confusing considering you can't stop corners or penalties with keeper cards though? I think it'd be better to keep them all follow the same rules (whichever way you decided to go).

All in all its a very professional looking game, great work
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Posted: 17th Feb 2019 12:52
With free kicks you will notice it says ‘shot on target’ so it’s same as a shot in normal play where it then depends on the opponent having keeper cards or not. Reason why I have this with free kicks is because it’s easier to get the ball into a free kick zone then a penalty zone or get a corner as it’s not as close to the goal so by having it as only a shot on target it makes it more difficult to score otherwise everyone could just get the ball to the free kick zone which is not to hard really, have short and long free kick training, have extra foul appeal tactical card and just keep using free kicks thus making penalty kicks and shots on target almost worthless. The choice you have when you have a foul card is do I try and get ball into the box (harder to do) and get a penalty that I know keeper cards mean nothing or chance a free kick (easier to do) but know that my opponent could save it even if I roll a six.

I tested the cross situation out and when I trained a non cross card player in crossing the ball was doing exactly what your video showed so that’s the issue, why you may still be having the issue is because you need to sell the player in the position that you trained up crossing originally so it resets the fault. I would try the new link and make sure you don’t train crossing with a player who does not have cross cards and I’m sure it will be fine, just train crossing with a player who has the 2 cross cards in his pack of 8.

That freak occurrence will happen again with the old build, I know why it happened and also a free kick save will not relinquish your save card or corner card because of the same fault, the new build has fixed this.

Thanks for your input
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Posted: 17th Feb 2019 18:36

Added cost of each card to Buy Player screen and when viewing your players.
Now its not possible to train a player in crossing when he does not have any cross cards.

You will still need to press the menu button after each opponent turn, set piece, goal etc to change it to your turn.
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Posted: 17th Feb 2019 21:57
is there a way to cancel the action when selecting a card during a tactic such as "substitute a card"? - i.e. you click the sub tactic and it takes you to your hand and waits for you to select a card - is it possible to cancel without needing to select a card?
same for any of the tactics that require a card to be "used" (such as foul appeal)
i know you can already deactivate the normal tactics (such as "push forward" though which is nice for checking different strategies.
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Posted: 17th Feb 2019 22:19
No actually you can’t revert a return card, substitute card or extra foul appeal selection. I will add that option though as it makes sense, specially if you click on the card by accident.
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Posted: 18th Feb 2019 21:44
on the subject of tactics, if you have more than 4 action points and activate then cancel men behind the ball it will not restore your "spent" action points
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Posted: 18th Feb 2019 22:51 Edited at: 19th Feb 2019 06:54
Thanks for finding that bug smallg, have corrected that one now I did actually have the program to add back the extra plays but the line of code was in the wrong place... doh

Not sure I made this clear enough in help guide but are you aware that if you use a keeper card to move the ball upfield from the 18 yard box then you get that keeper card back or in another word ‘don’t lose it’

Also only division 9,8 & 6 teams are set correctly, there are teams in division 7 & 5 but they will be not set up correctly and be lacking in player training skills as I did previously have amount of trained players limited to skill level.

Hope the cross cards are ok now with the new build? Cross cards can be very good if you get into the red zone often.

Done more work tonight on your suggestions including a ‘go back’ option on sub/return cards and extra foul appeal. Also working on animation for the no. 6 dice during set plays. Will add a ‘jump to division 3’ option and do them teams very soon as even I haven’t tested the top skilled teams often enough to see how that plays out tactically etc, also all tactical cards will be unlocked in division 3.
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Posted: 21st Feb 2019 23:58
Yep got to division 4 today and no other teams as you said so I guess it's time to wait for the next update
I did get a crash though because I have so much experience I can get 6 tactical cards but the game doesn't like it when I try to add the 6th (see image).
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Derek Darkly
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2019 13:29
I'm not a huge fan of card or turn based games, but if you made this into a multiplayer game I'm guessing you'd stand to make a great deal of money!

And hopefully there aren't too many idea thieves around here. I'm usually paranoid about sharing my best ideas.
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2019 19:18
i think it depends on server costs but yes it would make a great 2 player game, you could even do the antihero online play mode where you take your turn and then get emailed when the other person has taken theirs (of course there is a live version too) but this mode is great when there's a low player count as you don't spend years waiting for a game to be found as you can just play casually.. i imagine this would work well with push notifications - though i'm not sure the current speed of the game would fit too well, perhaps if matches were maybe 1/2 as long it would work... though of course live online matches would be fine either way... just know that it isn't really worth the hassle for indie games due to player base not returning the investment.
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2019 20:50
I’m surprised you got to division 4 smallg as last team in division 5 is not even set up at all so unsure what team you actually played you must have played quite a few games to get to the game allowing you 6 tactical cards, I did change the game to allow 6 tactical cards but needed to work on it then decided not to bother and stick with a maximum of 5, I’ve not taken that out yet as reorganising the team/division structure hence the reason why division 7 & 5 teams are not accurate and have few trained up players.

Been busy with work all week but I’m currently sorting out more divisions and have updated the app with a few new tweaks, hopefully will have another update live soon as.

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2019 20:58
Thanks for the comments Derek Darkly. I like my idea but the game would need a total graphics overall and yes of course multiplayer to even earn any money at all, something I’m no good at. Would probably need to be tier 2 build too but I don’t know any of that language.

Smallg - yes each match is too long to be honest, even with a planned timer for each turn it would be too long for multiplayer. I’ve tried adding more time for each card played but found it restricted the action and games were lacking of goals etc.
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2019 10:18
I didn't notice any missing team in division 5 but I don't take much notice of the rankings so perhaps it just skipped a match, not sure but certainly all the matches have worked fine.
And yes I played from start to division 4 by the time I got my 6th tactical slot so definitely not something you get quickly

The timer is a difficult question, certainly early games I found my team too weak to score much and often to allow yourself a scoring opportunity you would often be putting yourself at risk (due to passes and shots naturally not going as far at low skill level) but once you get better players you can score very easily - I often win 4 or 5 nil if the keeper isn't on top form (i.e. not super saving everything :p )
Turn based games often feel slow, the trick is to always give the player something to be thinking or planning

I think the graphics are fine, a few issues* here and there but honestly the minimalist take is nice and really doesn't need to be super fancy.
*Keeper can dive twice or not move at all for some goals (not sure if it's specific or random), untraining a player takes you back to the squad screen rather than to that players info screen (annoying as it's likely you'll want to train the player again right after)... But these are minor issues that don't really effect gameplay, the core of the game is good
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2019 17:16
The progression of the game is set so even if your not very good you will eventually rise up the divisions as you will level up even if you don’t promote so in time of your stuck in a division you will end up being much better then that divisions teams. At the end though you will max out at level 20 and the top division will have level 16-20 teams so winning the top division will require a good skill to the game. I should show the level of each team I think but basically the levels of the teams starting from division 9 are 0-1-2, division 8 are 2-3-4, division 7 are 4-5-6 and so on in that pattern, although the order you play each team is varied for each division.

I did have issues with keeper not diving sometimes but thought I’d solved them, they should always dive so I’ll look into that and the diving twice ? Is that also with an animated shot twice also, I was aware of that and knew the reason but thought I’d solved that one?

I’ll fix the player training thing you stated
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Posted: 9th Mar 2019 16:52 Edited at: 9th Mar 2019 16:56

Added division 4 and division 3 teams and corrected the division 7 and division 5 teams so that now all teams from division 9 to division 3 are accurate in accordance to skill level and progression of the game.

Keeper passing with ‘Distribution’ training is reduced from eight to seven.

Added a new tactic card ‘Expert Break up Play’. This card will mean you only have to train up one player in ‘Break up Play’ to receive a ‘Break up Play’ card rather then having to train up two players.

Fixed the animation not slowing down or speeding up when opponent has selected the ‘change the pace’ tactic card.

Fixed time and plays icon occasionally updating before animation played out when opponent used ‘men behind ball’ tactic

Remove the screen where it would show you what shoot cards your opponent has Man Marked out of your pack if they had trained players in that skill, this is because you could easily restart the match having altered your attack line up to minimise the damage from opponent man marking.

Game will go back to view player screen after de-training a player

Changed the resetting of cards played from all cards resetting at once to only resetting one at a time.

Added a cancel option when returning/substitution a card or when selecting ‘extra foul card’ tactical card.

Fixed bug that failed to return your correct number of plays when cancelling ‘men behind the ball’ tactic.

Fixed bug that would cause keepers not to dive and/or shoot twice. Would happen after shooting with 2 cards played.

Fixed bug that would stop opponent from using ‘change the pace’ tactic when it had another tactic selected.

Opponent now uses ‘push men forward’ more wisely as it’s a risky tactic if you don’t score from it.

No.6 dice now different colour.

Reduced the amount of tactical cards you can choose to 5.

A few of the poorest attacking players now have only 2 attack cards rather then 3, this is good as shooting chances are more rare when at lowest level and also if you wish to play very defensive then you can pick a team with only 4 or 5 attack cards rather then the minimum of 6.

Break up play icon now stays on display for the team playing this tactic whilst team that’s being broken up (plays reduced) takes their turn.

Fixed a bug that could leave the keeper and animated ball on screen after a match when you had a penalty appeal turned down in the last kick of the game.

Fixed a bug that would not reduce the amount of ‘men behind the ball’ tactics the opponent would have if it had used it because it could not get the ball within 8 spaces of your goal line.

Fixed a bug that had you or your opponent trained up ‘man marking’ then the game would not have marked the best attack card if that card was a 2 space move that had been boosted to super shot by shooting training.

Removed opponents cards left in pack text as this can give away how many keeper cards an opponent has in his pack at the start of a game.

Fixed an issue that would cause animation to skip during opponent moves when opponent was purposely playing only 3 cards to gain an extra play.

When you select ‘sure start keeper’ tactic and train your keeper in ‘distribution’ then your keeper card that is awarded to you at the beginning will have the 7 pass move skill like all your other keeper cards. Opponent always had this in this scenario but the image of the opponents first keeper card was that of a normal 5 pass keeper card, this has been corrected.

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