I am sorry if this post has already been made, but I did not see one looking through the thread. My problem is, I just have the basic agk app built with fps displayed on the left and I exported my project via. HTML5. Everything on the html page works just fine, but when I move the files and the code snippet for the canvas (that runs the agk app) code (javascript) to a .aspx file it does not work. At first it said it could not find the .mem file, so I added "~/" to the beginning of each filename within the javascript. Now instead of it not working at all, it just says loading... and it stays that way. I am wondering if anyone has succeeded in putting the agk HTML5 app into a ASP.net project (can be vb.net or C#). Thank you!
edit: I added this code and moved the AGKPlayer.data and AGKPlayer.html.mem into the bin folder.
<script type="text/javascript" src="AGKPlayer.asm.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="AGKPlayer.js"></script>
now it says: Uncaught Error: Not Found : http://localhost:63562/AGKPlayer.data
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youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/mrsovr