Tested today (after a while). When i create a project, and save it, and run it, after, i get an error message : "Unable to detect AGK. Do you want to set the installation path for AppGameKit ?".
It is set by default to "d:/steam", like it was in the passed, but now, it no longer works.
Changing it to the real absolute AppGameKit path in my computer does the same : it loops on this message.
This is my AppGameKit folder : "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\App Game Kit 2".
I've tried to create a project directly in a "C:\Test\" folder. It does the same bug.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled those days AppGameKit, and i've noticed that the text under its icon, "AppGameKit2", had become "App Game Kit 2".
I've renamed "App Game Kit 2" folder to "AppGameKit2", but Visual Editor still has this bug.
I've uninstalled et reinstalled V.E, the problem is still here.
Solved !
I've gone to the path "C:\Users\*MyUserName*\AppData\Roaming\Visual Editor", and edited the file "preferences.dat".
I've replaced the path "d:/steam" inside this file by "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\App Game Kit 2".
Never trust ignorance