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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Runtime Error 2002 - Could not load animation at line 17504.

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Joined: 24th Jul 2017
Posted: 22nd Apr 2018 07:27
Some people had problems playing my game, they say that whenever they press "New Game", it loads, but before getting into the level it just crashes, giving them this error message:
Runtime Error 2002 - Could not load animation at line 17504.
Can anyone help?
Medal Of Honor
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Joined: 19th Feb 2012
Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 22nd Apr 2018 22:01
Pvt.Dan Hi, nice to see you again
Quote: "Runtime Error 2002 - Could not load animation at line 17504"

Sounds like a custom entity with animation is the root to the problem here? A quick search yielded some results, even an fpsc game
on "Steam". Seems some players had this problem when using older OS's like winxp or 8.1 ???
There are a few suggestions in this posting above. Might help ?
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
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Joined: 24th Jul 2017
Posted: 26th Apr 2018 12:05
Hi, I recently found out what the problem was, it was the briefing video at the start of the first mission, it was in .avi format so some couldn't play it. So I gave them a link to install a codec pack to let their computers support the .avi format. Problem solved! Cheers!
Medal of Honor

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