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Newcomers AppGameKit Corner / [SOLVED] Colors more saturated in images when in AGK

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Posted: 12th May 2018 09:52 Edited at: 12th May 2018 10:01
Hi all

I have a small issue with imported png images being more saturated than they are when viewed external to AGK. I have attached a sample image that shows the normal image on the left, and the increased saturation within AppGameKit on the right.

It's enough of a difference that the final image in game can look quite gaudy. I found that reducing the saturation on the image in photoshop by about 10% fixes the issue within AppGameKit, but this doesn't seem ideal.

Does anyone have any idea if this is fixable within AppGameKit, so the images show in their true color?



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Rick Nasher
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Posted: 12th May 2018 10:24
This post has been marked by the post author as the answer.
Couple of questions come to mind:
-How was the picture created?
-What settings were used to save it?
-What if you create a picture in another app, e.g. , does it show the same results?
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Posted: 12th May 2018 11:32
Usually the images in photoshop look different because of the color settings. See if this helps.
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Posted: 12th May 2018 12:06
It could be your 3D card settings. You can change all kinds of things, maybe the default colour profile is not ideal.
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Posted: 12th May 2018 15:22
Thanks everyone for the replies. When I checked, I found that this color problem was created when I used Photoshop to edit the image. Aseprite for example, created perfect color. So I played around with the color settings in Photoshop and suddenly Photoshop showed the saturation the same as AGK.

Thanks so much.
Rick Nasher
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Posted: 12th May 2018 20:26 Edited at: 12th May 2018 20:29
No biggie.

I sort of expected that. PS has some 'real' color stuff build-in to match colors on screen with colors printed on paper, which normally may look different from the ones screen.

Used to do tech support for Adobe years ago and it's possible to do some fantastic stuff with it , but I never really liked their sw though. They managed to effectively kill/cripple most of the apps and companies they took over. Dreamweaver for instance was great until they got their hands on it. Same goes for some sound and video applications, except for a few exceptions.
And then those hideously unintuitive interfaces of them, yuk.

But hey tastes defer and I'm someone who grew up with ease of use of DeluxePaint on the Amiga.

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