I've uploaded a new version to Steam and the TGC download area with the following changes
Build 2018.05.24
- Fixed SetSpeechLangauge causing a crash on iOS
- Fixed RequestPermission generating a permission not found error
- Fixed Spriter files causing a corrupt animation if the bones are out of order
- Spriter import now supports bone hierarchy changes during animation, however tweening between two animations
with different hierarchies will cause momentary distortion
- Fixed short touch events near the top and bottom of the screen on iOS 11 not registering as a pointer event
- Fixed DeleteFont crashing if LoadFont failed to load the font
- Fixed 3D animations becoming corrupt if a bone didn't have a keyframe near the animation end time
- Fixed transparency mode 2 (additive) on 3D objects not working properly with fog turned on
- Fixed setting the sprite shape to circle after SetSpriteScale causing the shape to be the incorrect size
- Fixed using the sprite shape commands to change an individual shape causing the other shapes to be deleted
- Fixed Ouya export causing an error when trying to load the Ouya image
- Added more DirectInput device types to list of recognised devices that can be used as AGK joysticks, e.g.
flight controllers
- Fixed GetDeviceID on Windows sometimes returning different values for the same device
- Fixed objects or terrains with over 65536 vertices per mesh causing a crash on iOS, and invalid polygons on
other platforms
Please note that the next version will move to target API 26 on Android, as required by Google, which will mean any commands that use "raw:" filepaths, GPS location, device camera, or screen recording will fail to work unless you use the
RequestPermission command beforehand and
CheckPermission to confirm you have permission before calling them. You should start using these permission commands now to be ready for the change.
Edit: Note that this is different from the minimum supported version of Android which remains at API 15