Quote: "That tween tab is a beautiful implementation BatVink"
Quote: "thats an awesome piece of coding to produce that"
I appreciate the compliments but it's not that difficult to code. Here's some info that may help others to solve a challenge or two...
The data is from a spreadsheet. I export to JSON (simple interface for user in Excel). AppGameKit monitors a folder for files and imports them when they arrive.
The graphics are held in a "theme" folder. Pick a theme, the folder is changed and the game gets a whole new look.
The colour of the bars are picked in Excel and are part of the JSON.
The appearance of the table, bars, and data are all driven by working through an array (as Baxslash suggests), positioning and applying tweens with a simple algorithm. Positioning and other appearance functions are much easier when you spend time writing an algorithm that automates everything. Once you've done a basic implementation, you can make it work differently by parameterising all of the settings.
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