Just come back to AppGameKit after a break - and I'm trying to get VS2017 set up to compile Tier 2 apps.
Loading the AppGameKit template_2017 project gives a project that is set to compile to a windows .exe file and I cannot find an option to change the target to Android. (It seems to be targetted at windows XP - and I can change the target to Windows 10 - but the target in the properties tab is set to Windows - and there is no option to change it.
I can create and compile an Android app using the VS new project option - but if I do this I can't get it to work with the AppGameKit headers....
Any suggestions as to how to coerce VS into changing the target (i'm hoping I've overlooked something obvious) or to work AppGameKit into the VS Android templates? I've spent several hours googling and fiddling and am no further forward than when I started https://forum.thegamecreators.com/images/smilies/cry.gif
Or am I approaching this from the wrong angle and should be heading to Android Studio for relief??
Many thanks for any pointers