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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / FPS Creator game S.C.A.R.E.D. (Stealth Combat And Rescue Elite Deployment) Hour Zero

TMoney Moterbike Dude
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Posted: 28th Jul 2018 03:52
Hi everyone, this is my first official FPSC game that I am currently making called S.C.A.R.E.D. (Stealth Combat And Rescue Elite Deployment), inspired by the F.E.A.R. games and many others.


At 3:25 pm, a military/medical contractor known as D.E.A.T.H. (Department of Evolution, AIDs, Tachycardim and Hormones) was attacked by a mercenary force known as S.C.R.E.A.M. (Soldiers Created for Researching Enemy Armies and Munitions) for unkown reasons. S.C.A.R.E.D., working with National Guard forces are sending in an advanced recon team, being lead by a S.C.A.R.E.D. LFT. (Leftenant), taking in a National Guard force known as Marine Escort. The teams mission is simple; Identify the threat level, gather Intel on the enemy force and secure any and all civilians that they find, assuming that they are still alive. Main assault teams are coming at 7:37 pm.

What is S.C.A.R.E.D.?
This is a fictional military force that is super patriotic and is loyal to the United States and only the United States. Their moto is "The needs of the whole out way the needs of the one." To join S.C.A.R.E.D., one must show how much they love their country in any of the five military branches. S.C.A.R.E.D. will only accept the best of the most loyal military personnel and send them on a rigorous training program. S.C.A.R.E.D. forces are not afraid to give up their lives for their country. S.C.A.R.E.D. (Stealth Combat And Rescue Elite Deployment) has a special forces program known as the Leftenants (different from Lieutenants). Leftenants are trained by Navy SEALs to be one man teams, capable of mass destruction. A Leftenant always covers his/hers face and rarely, if ever speaks while out on a mission. Leftenants typically work alone, but on occasion they will be assisted by either a local military or other S.C.A.R.E.D. units.

This current game, Hour Zero was made off of an older PC, with a weaker graphics card, so while it may not seem like much, it was pushing that computer. I have tried to fix it as best as I can, but FPSC x9 doesn't work on my current computer, possibly because I have FPS Creator x10 installed as well. Because of limitations, the game is going to be released in an episodic style, with this version, (Assessment 00,) coming out ASAP. Below are some screen shots of the game. More news and updates will be coming soon!


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TMoney Moterbike Dude
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Posted: 28th Jul 2018 04:19
Link to the trailer on YouTube here.
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Posted: 28th Jul 2018 14:23
Looks pretty good. Will have to check it out when it's released.
gamer, lover, filmmaker
TMoney Moterbike Dude
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Posted: 29th Jul 2018 03:28
Thanks! Gameplay trailer will be coming soon.
TMoney Moterbike Dude
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Posted: 5th Aug 2018 03:01 Edited at: 5th Aug 2018 03:06
Gameplay trailer. Another trailer will be up tomorrow.
TMoney Moterbike Dude
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Posted: 20th Aug 2018 14:49 Edited at: 20th Aug 2018 15:43
Demo is almost complete
TMoney Moterbike Dude
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2018 05:03 Edited at: 3rd Sep 2018 05:04
Here is the completed demo. Sorry that it took so long. Please download and have fun, and tell me what you think. Second part is in development now!
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2019 06:21 Edited at: 23rd Feb 2019 06:27
Awesome dude will play and drop a review soon! Love the idea - I had a similar idea a long, LONG time ago when I first purchased fpsc. Mine was for a fictional secret force called R.I.O.T (resistance and intel operations team) and had a similar though less fleshed out storyline. Yours certainly looks a lot better than my old attempt haha!

Edit Paste this code into your post to embed your video:
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Posted: 24th Feb 2019 03:45 Edited at: 24th Feb 2019 05:01
Wow actually really enjoying this one man! Haven't beaten it yet, but its actually pretty hard on SCARED Operative mode lol. Good stuff.

Not sure if you're still around these days but heres a little review for you @TMoney

Things I really liked:

- Listening to voicemail
- Patriotic gloves (awesome and fits the theme well)
- Enemy Placement
- Wide range of guns with different feels
- Voice audio was low quality but sufficient to flesh out the plot
- The way your health was set at what you ended the level at. Very interesting way to scale the difficulty and encourage the player hunt for health packs

Things I didn't like:

- Ambient Lighting was way too high for my tastes. I set it to 15 and that was perfect for all your games sections
- Not enough lights. Some areas were completely lightless, making it feel bland in those areas. A couple small lights would go a long way to giving a better feel
- Vent sections feel too lengthy
- Some checkpoints would respawn you right where you died fighting enemies, setting you into a death loop until game over
- The end of the first level, the banshee(?) enemy spawns halfway into the floor, then falls out of the level.
- Lifts were prone to disappear after dismounting them
- Menus screens and hud could use a makeover (but look whos talking lol )

Excellent little game, thanks for sharing

Edit: Just beat it! Thanks for that wild ride brother.
TMoney Moterbike Dude
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Posted: 16th Jul 2019 20:44 Edited at: 16th Jul 2019 20:45
@sbegley001 Thank you for playing and sorry for my extremely late reply! I've been super busy and I have taken into account your problems. The lighting has been fixed in the second part of the game (assessement01), but you might find it a little too dark, with a a lot more lighting (and a flashlight.) As for the vents the first one was a way to introduce the key puzzle and the second one was supposed to be kind of like the guy was sneaking through the lab to get to his targets, but I have decreased vent usage in the second part. The checkpoints were because I couldn't get lifts to come back up or down, and while testing no one really ran into that problem (although I did test it out and do see what you mean.) The end of the first level with the character (I used the Face Less horror model) is one of two things. In the version of FPSC I was using all of the dungeon pack characters would always spawn halfway through the floor, so I tried to hide it with it hiding behind the wall. But several of my testers saw it and at first laughed but once she "fell through the floor" they freaked out and thought that the character was a ghost that would attack them from behind or come up in front of them, so I decided to keep it in and use it, but I can understand your complaints. The first lift (the one the player goes down) is supposed to be destroyed because of the firefight that broke out in that room. I probably should have done something better to explain that, but because I didn't give your character a voice that's on me. As for the second lift, I haven't see if disappear before (not saying it won't) but if it does it's probably just a minor glitch because it uses the same code as the other lift. And as for menus, I agree, but oh well. I'm better at making games and stories then HUDs.
Thank you for all you had to say; now it's my turn to talk about that really nostalgic trailer you showed me. No joke I actually saw that YEARS ago and liked the idea, but I didn't have a YouTube account at the time so I didn't say anything and then forgot about it. Holly crap I feel so much nostalgia from watching that! I actually really like your idea (obviously because I used part of it as inspiration, the rest was the F.E.A.R. games) and I actually have a question for you. I was wondering if I could use your agency (R.I.O.T.) as a part of the S.C.A.R.E.D. team, like a secret unit that answers to only one person. Heck, I could even make a character that represents you as the leader of this group. I hope you will get back to me, I am so sorry for the super late reply!
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