I have experimented with memory blocks with sound and have had some success with changing the speed
of a wav file (only uncompressed wav files work) aslong as they are not large but you may want to have a
look at this thread
https://forum.thegamecreators.com/thread/222158 as it may help you work
out how to retrieve individual volumes. The volume levels can also be retrieved there is an example on that
page that sets the volumes
SetMemblockByte(mem,0, 2) //The first 2 bytes of the memlbock store the number of channels (1 or 2 supported)
SetMemblockByte(mem,1, 0)
SetMemblockByte(mem,2,16) //the next 2 bytes store the bits per sample (8 (1 byte) or 16 (2 byte) supported)
SetMemblockByte(mem,3, 0)
SetMemblockint(mem,4,44100) // the next 4 bytes store the samples per second, for example 44100
SetMemblockint(mem,8,frames) // The next 4 bytes are the number of frames in the sound data, the size of the sound data in bytes can be calculated from this with the formula numFrames*(bitsPerSample/8)*channels.