This works well for the text size 30 ->
text as integer [] : text.length = 10000
for x = 9000 to 10000
text[x] = createtext(chr(x)) : Settextsize(text[x],30)
next x
do :if GetRawMouseRightReleased () = 1 then end : Sync() : loop
But if it is executed with text size 24, it crashes ->
text as integer [] : text.length = 10000
for x = 9000 to 10000
text[x] = createtext(chr(x)) : Settextsize(text[x],24)
next x
do :if GetRawMouseRightReleased () = 1 then end : Sync() : loop
If I try to find out where it crashes, by
text as integer [] : text.length = 10000
for x = 9000 to 10000
text[x] = createtext(chr(x))
OpentoWrite(1,"raw:"+GetReadPath()+"test.txt",0) : WriteLine(1,Str(x)+" "+chr(x)): Closefile(1)
next x
do : if GetRawMouseRightReleased () = 1 then end : Sync() : loop returns different unicode-codes e.g. (9557) ; dependent on text sizes which delivers an error.
But if i create a single text without array with the textsizes that delivered an error, it works ->
texti = createtext(chr(9557)) : Settextsize(texti,24)
do : if GetRawMouseRightReleased () = 1 then end : Sync() : loop
So some unicode chars seem to have to a problem with certain text sizes in arrays, while they work with other text sizes.
The same unicode chars seem to have no problem with any text size, if it is a single text.
The program either hangs itself without getting to the do - loop , or it simply ends without reporting any error OR in rare cases reported an exceptional error but without any error code.