It was combination of of what you said Bengismo and what Puzzler said about transparency. Still can see his arms when he is in the trees, but for now I can live with that. Thank you!
function render_area()
SetObjectVisible( game.player.objID, 0 )
SetObjectVisible( game.player.objID, 1 )
SetObjectTransparency( game.player.objID, 2 )
if GetObjectExists( game.player.hhright ) then SetObjectTransparency( game.player.hhright, 2 )
if GetObjectExists( game.player.hhleft ) then SetObjectTransparency( game.player.hhleft, 2 )
SetObjectDepthWrite( game.player.objID, 0 )
SetObjectDepthReadMode( game.player.objID, 4 )
if GetObjectExists( game.player.hhright ) then SetObjectDepthReadMode( game.player.hhright, 4 )
if GetObjectExists( game.player.hhleft ) then SetObjectDepthReadMode( game.player.hhleft, 4 )
SetObjectColor( game.player.objID, 100, 100, 150, 255 )
if GetObjectExists( game.player.hhright ) then SetObjectColor( game.player.hhright, 100, 100, 150, 255 )
if GetObjectExists( game.player.hhleft ) then SetObjectColor( game.player.hhleft, 100, 100, 150, 255 )
DrawObject( game.player.objID )
if GetObjectExists( game.player.hhright ) then DrawObject( game.player.hhright )
if GetObjectExists( game.player.hhleft ) then DrawObject( game.player.hhleft )
SetObjectColor( game.player.objID, 255, 255, 255, 255 )
if GetObjectExists( game.player.hhright ) then SetObjectColor( game.player.hhright, 255, 255, 255, 255 )
if GetObjectExists( game.player.hhleft ) then SetObjectColor( game.player.hhleft, 255, 255, 255, 255 )
SetObjectDepthReadMode( game.player.objID, 1 )
if GetObjectExists( game.player.hhright ) then SetObjectDepthReadMode( game.player.hhright, 1 )
if GetObjectExists( game.player.hhleft ) then SetObjectDepthReadMode( game.player.hhleft, 1 )
SetObjectTransparency( game.player.objID, 0 )
if GetObjectExists( game.player.hhright ) then SetObjectTransparency( game.player.hhright, 1 )
if GetObjectExists( game.player.hhleft ) then SetObjectTransparency( game.player.hhleft, 1 )
DrawObject( game.player.objID )