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Program Announcements / JGTools - Plugin Pack for DBPro

revenant chaos
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Posted: 19th Sep 2018 06:42 Edited at: 20th Nov 2018 23:01
Hi everyone,

I've decided to release some of my useful code libraries as a collection of DBPro plugins. This first release contains a pointer-based mathematics plugin. It contains 8 commandsets for manipulating Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Matrix4, Quaternion, Plane, Frustum, and ViewPort structures. In addition to being considerably faster than DBPro's native vector library, the resources used by this plugin work with jGfx's Shader_ commandset.

Update Nov-20-2018:

Bug fixes (2):
- Fixed typo causing crash in pMat4_Delete
- Fixed typo causing matrix scale values to be incorrectly interpreted (effected multiple commands)

New Commands (1):
pVec3_VertexTBN pVec3ResultT, pVec3ResultB, pVec3ResultN, pVec3Pos1, pVec2UV1, pVec3Pos2, pVec2UV2, pVec3Pos3, pVec2UV3

New Examples (1):
- Added an example showing how to use the pVec3_VertexTBN to calculate and store tangent vectors in an object's vertexdata.

JGTools_pMath Commands (432 total):

Download contains dll, keywords file, and a few examples. The plugin does not yet have any help files, but in the meantime I'm hoping most of the commands will be self-explanitory. All comments, questions, and suggestions are always welcome.


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Posted: 19th Sep 2018 23:03
thanks for sharing.
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Chris Ritchie
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Posted: 20th Sep 2018 23:00
Excellent work as always RC , gonna have a proper play with the commands over the weekend

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Chris Tate
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Posted: 1st Oct 2018 23:27
The command list looks interesting. Thanks very much for sharing.
Chris Tate
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Posted: 26th Oct 2018 06:14
Thanks for the project examples, they were really helpful. Funny thing is I am working on optimization today, and will be trying out the frustum culling features on uncommon 3D resources such as particle effects, geometric instances and so forth.
revenant chaos
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Posted: 20th Nov 2018 23:02
Hi everyone, I've updated the first post with a new version. Fixes a few bugs and adds a command for calculating vertex tangents (includes example).
revenant chaos
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Posted: 11th Dec 2018 04:49 Edited at: 11th Dec 2018 19:20
Hi everybody, here is a small update which fixes a problem with the pMat4_Transpose command. Download includes updated plugin and a new example demonstrating AABB calculation for rotating objects.

[Edit] Download removed, please see next post.


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revenant chaos
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Posted: 11th Dec 2018 19:19
Here is another small update, fixes a few more issues with the pMat4 command set.


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