OMG, lol..I am such an idiot... literally face palmed myself hehe
for t=1 to 100
x# = random(-3000,3000)
z# = random(-3000,3000)
y# = getobjectheightmapheight(1,x#,z#)
SetobjectPosition (tree,x#,y#,z#)
I am on uncertain territory here... but I am using the CreateObjectFromHeightMap command not the CreateObjectFromObject mesh..and it does seem to run ok even with 50000 trees at (35fps)
So far, (I know very little)..I have not investigated mesh culling to save some gpu... but for now. And I am very green at programming. I will have a read up on the link you posted...heck, for now I am just happy to have the terrain and trees working.
Cheers again.