ooh, I did not know that command exists however it dose not what I meant.
what I meant is:
you know the sprites commands:
and setSpriteScale(spriteId,scaleX,scaleY)
I see that there is no command for sprite Scale inside Tweening functions. just sizeX and sizeY
so can I trick it to think I'm actually using Scale rather then Size obviously keeping the offset in the middle so it won't stretch to the side but instead from the center towards the values given just like setSpriteScaleByOffset ...
cause if I use the current tween SizeX and SizeY I must always keep setting the position of the sprite by offset at the same location as long as the tween is sizing X and Y
so I thought for my self maybe we should have a SetSpriteTweenScaleX and setSpriteTweenScaleY
and yeah I know I can just get the normal width and height of the sprite and increasing them by percentage but then again I will have to reposition the sprite in the middle as long as the tween plays.. and that's just another command I would disband if a tweenByScale command will exist.
BTW , thanks baxlash for your comment it is very important to me to write RIGHT and on point. I do find my self even in my native tongue not so understood by others... so thank you for your comment. (improving as I go.)